G E N E R A L I N F O R M A T I O N Host Name is coyote.kvanals.org Host Address(es) is Host ID is 778a7053 Serial Number is 2005561427 Manufacturer is HP (Hewlett-Packard Company) Manufacturer (Short) is HP Manufacturer (Full) is Hewlett-Packard Company System Model is 9000/785/C3000 Main Memory is 2.0 GB Virtual Memory is 1.0 GB Number of CPUs (Physical) is 1 CPU Type is PA-RISC_2.0 CPU Speed is 400 MHz App Architecture is PA-RISC Kernel Architecture is hp9000 Kernel Bit Size is 64 OS Name is HP-UX OS Version is 11.11 OS Distribution is B.11.11 Libc Name is libc Libc Version is 2 Kernel Version is @(#) $Revision: vmunix: vw: -proj selectors: CUPI80_BL2000_1108 -c 'Vw for CUPI80_BL2000_1108 build' -- cupi80_bl2000_1108 'CUPI80_BL2000_1108' Wed Nov 8 19:24:56 PST 2000 $ Boot Time is Tue Jul 13 08:25:41 2004 Current Time is Sat Jul 17 01:03:55 2004 H A R D W A R E I N F O R M A T I O N root0 (bc0) is a system bus sba0 (ioa0) is a "System Bus Adapter (582)" pci_adapter0 (ba0) is a "Local PCI Bus Adapter (782)" system bus btlan0 (lan0) is a "HP PCI 10/100Base-TX Core [100BASE-TX,FD,AUTO,TT=1500]" Fast Ethernet network interface audio0 is a "AD1819 Built-in Audio" audio device side0 (ext_bus0) is a "IDE" system card tgt0 (target0) is a pseudo device tgt1 (target1) is a pseudo device sctl0 (ctl0) is a "Initiator" pseudo device superio1 (ba1) is a "PCI Core I/O Adapter" system bus asio0/0 (tty0) is a "Built-in RS-232C" serial device asio0/1 (tty1) is a "Built-in RS-232C" serial device SCentIf1 (ext_bus1) is a "Built-in Parallel Interface" system card siofdc0 (siopc0) is a "Built-in Floppy Drive" sioflop0 (floppy0) is a "HP_PC_FDC_FLOPPY" hcd0 (usb0) is a "Built-in USB Interface" serial device hub0 (usbhub0) is a "USB Root Hub" serial device hid1 (usbhid1) is a "USB HID Mouse(0)" serial device hid0 (usbhid0) is a "USB HID Kbd(1)" serial device c720/2 (ext_bus2) is a "SCSI C896 Ultra Narrow Single-Ended" system card tgt2 (target2) is a pseudo device sctl1 (ctl1) is a "Initiator" pseudo device c720/3 (ext_bus3) is a "SCSI C896 Ultra2 Wide LVD" system card tgt3 (target3) is a pseudo device sdisk1 (disk1) is a "SEAGATE ST39103LC" SCSI 8.5 GB disk drive tgt4 (target4) is a pseudo device sdisk2 (disk2) is a "SEAGATE ST39102LC" SCSI 8.5 GB disk drive tgt5 (target5) is a pseudo device sctl2 (ctl2) is a "Initiator" pseudo device pci_adapter2 (ba2) is a "Local PCI Bus Adapter (782)" system bus pci_adapter3 (ba3) is a "Local PCI Bus Adapter (782)" system bus pci_adapter4 (ba4) is a "Local PCI Bus Adapter (782)" system bus graph3/0 (graphics0) is a "HPA4554A PCI Display (103c1008)" frame buffer processor0 is a "HP Processor" 400 MHz processor memory0 is a "Memory" memory TOTAL DISK CAPACITY IS 17 GB P A R T I T I O N I N F O R M A T I O N lvol1 is a 480 MB hfs partition in use as /stand lvol2 is a swap partition in use as ... lvol3 is a 1000 MB vxfs partition in use as / lvol4 is a 5 GB vxfs partition in use as /home lvol5 is a 2 GB vxfs partition in use as /opt lvol6 is a 300 MB vxfs partition in use as /tmp lvol7 is a 5 GB vxfs partition in use as /usr lvol8 is a 1 GB vxfs partition in use as /var N E T W O R K I N T E R F A C E I N F O R M A T I O N lan0 addr mask bcast lo0 addr mask bcast N E T W O R K I N F O R M A T I O N Default Gateway IP is DNS Domain Name is kvanals.org DNS Server IP Addresses is DNS Server Names is kvanals.org P R I N T E R I N F O R M A T I O N lexmark LPD on S O F T W A R E I N F O R M A T I O N Abisuite Hewlett-Packard Company Abisuite.ABIWORD-NOTES Release notes for Abisuite product Abisuite.ABIWORD-RUN WYSIWYG word processor based on GTK. Accounting Hewlett-Packard Company Accounting.Manuals Manuals Accounting.Manuals.ACCT-ENG-A-MAN ACCT-ENG-A-MAN Accounting.ManualsByLang ManualsByLang Accounting.ManualsByLang.ACCT-JPN-E-MAN ACCT-JPN-E-MAN Accounting.ManualsByLang.ACCT-JPN-S-MAN ACCT-JPN-S-MAN Accounting.Runtime Runtime Accounting.Runtime.ACCOUNTNG ACCOUNTNG Asian-Core Hewlett-Packard Company Asian-Core.Manuals Asian-Core Manual Pages Asian-Core.Manuals.ASX-JPN-MAN Manual pages for Japanese specific ASX utilities Asian-Core.Manuals.ASX-MAN Manual pages for ASX utilities Asian-Core.ManualsByLang Asian-Core ManualsByLang Pages Asian-Core.ManualsByLang.ASX-JPN-E-MAN Japanese (EUC) localized manual pages for ASX-MAN Asian-Core.ManualsByLang.ASX-JPN-S-MAN Japanese (Shift-JIS) localized manual pages for ASX-MAN Asian-Core.ReleaseNotes Asian-Core Release Notes Asian-Core.ReleaseNotes.ASX-JPN-NOTES ASX ReleaseNotes - Japan Asian-Core.ReleaseNotes.ASX-KOR-NOTES ASX ReleaseNotes - Korea Asian-Core.ReleaseNotes.ASX-SCH-NOTES ASX ReleaseNotes - China Asian-Core.ReleaseNotes.ASX-TCH-NOTES ASX ReleaseNotes - Taiwan Asian-PRINTER Hewlett-Packard Company Asian-PRINTER.Runtime Asian PRINTER Runtime Configuration Asian-PRINTER.Runtime.PRNTR-JPN-RUN Runtime module of filters and fonts for Japanese printers Asian-PRINTER.Runtime.PRNTR-KOR-RUN Runtime module of filters and fonts for Korean printers Asian-PRINTER.Runtime.PRNTR-RUN Runtime module of filters for Asian printers Asian-PRINTER.Runtime.PRNTR-SCH-RUN Runtime module of filters and fonts for Simplified Chinese printers Asian-PRINTER.Runtime.PRNTR-TCH-RUN Runtime module of filters and fonts for Traditional Chinese printers Asian-PRINTER.Runtime.PRT-LP-JPN-RUN Runtime module of lp models and filters for Japanese printers Asian-PRINTER.Runtime.PRT-LP-KOR-RUN Runtime module of lp models and filters for Korean printers Asian-PRINTER.Runtime.PRT-LP-RUN Runtime module of lp models and filters for Asian printers Asian-PRINTER.Runtime.PRT-LP-SCH-RUN Runtime module of lp models and filters for Simplified Chinese printers Asian-PRINTER.Runtime.PRT-LP-TCH-RUN Runtime module of lp models and filters for Traditional Chinese printers Asian-PRINTER.Runtime.PRT-PD-JPN-RUN Runtime module of HP DPS models for Japanese printers Asian-PRINTER.Runtime.PRT-PD-KOR-RUN Runtime module of HP DPS models for Korean printers Asian-PRINTER.Runtime.PRT-PD-RUN Runtime module of HP DPS models for Asian printers Asian-PRINTER.Runtime.PRT-PD-SCH-RUN Runtime module of HP DPS models for Simplified Chinese printers Asian-PRINTER.Runtime.PRT-PD-TCH-RUN Runtime module of HP DPS models for Traditional Chinese printers Asian-TERM Hewlett-Packard Company Asian-TERM.Runtime Asian TERM Runtime Configuration Asian-TERM.Runtime.IMTERM-RUN Runtime module of code conversion and line discipline for Asian terminals Asian-TERM.Runtime.IMTERM-SCH-RUN Code conversion and line discipline for Simplified Chinese terminals Asian-TERM.Runtime.IMTERM-TCH-RUN Code conversion and line discipline for Traditional Chinese terminals Asian-UTILITY Hewlett-Packard Company Asian-UTILITY.Manuals Asian-UTILTY Manual Pages Asian-UTILITY.Manuals.STK-SCH-MAN Simplified Chinese Toolkit Manuals Asian-UTILITY.Manuals.TTK-TCH-MAN TSDO Toolkit Manuals - Taiwan Asian-UTILITY.ManualsByLang Asian-UTILTY ManualsByLang Pages Asian-UTILITY.ManualsByLang.STK-SCH-H-MAN Simplified Chinese Toolkit Manuals (HP15) Asian-UTILITY.ManualsByLang.TTK-TCH-B-MAN TSDO Toolkit Manuals - Taiwan BIG5 codeset Asian-UTILITY.ManualsByLang.TTK-TCH-C-MAN TSDO Toolkit Manuals - Taiwan ccdc codeset Asian-UTILITY.ManualsByLang.TTK-TCH-E-MAN TSDO Toolkit Manuals - Taiwan CNS codeset Asian-UTILITY.Runtime Asian UTILITY Runtime Configuration Asian-UTILITY.Runtime.EUS-JPN-RUN Japanese specific configuration for EUS-RUN Asian-UTILITY.Runtime.EUS-RUN Asian UDC Server Runtime Asian-UTILITY.Runtime.MFCONV-JPN-RUN Code Convertion Tools Runtime - Japan Asian-UTILITY.Runtime.STK-SCH-RUN Simplified Chinese Toolkit Runtime Asian-UTILITY.Runtime.TTK-TCH-RUN TSDO Toolkit Runtime - Taiwan Asian-UTILITY.Runtime.UDC-JPN-RUN User Defined Character Tools Runtime - Japan Asian-UTILITY.Runtime.UDC-KOR-RUN User Defined Character Tools Runtime - Korea Asian-UTILITY.Runtime.UDC-RUN User Defined Character Tools Runtime - Asian Common Asian-UTILITY.Runtime.UDC-SCH-RUN User Defined Character Tools Runtime - China Asian-UTILITY.Runtime.UDC-TCH-RUN User Defined Character Tools Runtime - Taiwan Asian-UTILITY.Runtime.UTILS-RUN Runtime module of commands for Asian terminals and printers Asian-UTILITY.Runtime.UTILS-SCH-RUN Simplified Chinese localized messages for UTILS-RUN Asian-UTILITY.Runtime.UTILS-TCH-RUN Traditional Chinese localized messages for UTILS-RUN AudioClients Hewlett-Packard Company AudioClients.WTAUDIO-HELP Audio Clients Audio Subsystem Help AudioClients.WTAUDIO-RUN Audio Clients Audio Subsystem Runtime binaries AudioDe Hewlett-Packard Company AudioDe.WTAUD-GER-I-H Audio Clients Audio Subsystem German Help AudioDe.WTAUD-GER-I-M Audio Clients Audio Subsystem German message catalogs AudioDevKit Hewlett-Packard Company AudioDevKit.AUDIO-FILES Sample files AudioDevKit.AUDIO-PGMAN Audio Programming Reference AudioDevKit.AUDIO-PRG Audio Programming Environment AudioFr Hewlett-Packard Company AudioFr.WTAUD-FRC-I-H Audio Clients French Can. Help AudioFr.WTAUD-FRC-I-M Audio Clients French Can. message catalogs AudioFr.WTAUD-FRE-I-H Audio Clients French Help AudioFr.WTAUD-FRE-I-M Audio Clients French message catalogs AudioJp Hewlett-Packard Company AudioJp.WTAUD-JPN-E-H Audio Clients Japanese EUC Help AudioJp.WTAUD-JPN-E-M Audio Clients Japanese EUC message catalogs AudioJp.WTAUD-JPN-S-H Audio Clients Japanese SJIS Help AudioJp.WTAUD-JPN-S-M Audio Clients Japanese SJIS message catalogs AudioSubsystem Hewlett-Packard Company AudioSubsystem.Manuals Manuals AudioSubsystem.Manuals.AUD-ENG-A-MAN AUD-ENG-A-MAN AudioSubsystem.Runtime Runtime filesets for Audio AudioSubsystem.Runtime.AUDIO-RUN AUDIO-RUN AudioSubsystem.Runtime.AUDIO-SHLIBS AUDIO-SHLIBS AudioSubsystem.Runtime.AUDIO-SRV AUDIO-SRV Audiofile Hewlett-Packard Company Audiofile.AUDFILE-NOTES Release notes for Audiofile product Audiofile.AUDFILE-RUN Audiofile - Runtime Audiofile.AUDFILE-SHLIBS Audiofile - shared libraries Bonobo Hewlett-Packard Company Bonobo.BONOBO-MSG Non-English translations for the Bonobo package Bonobo.BONOBO-NOTES Release notes for Bonobo product Bonobo.BONOBO-RUN Run-time executables for the Bonobo package Bonobo.BONOBO-SHLIBS The Bonobo component system for GNOME Bonobo-Conf Hewlett-Packard Company Bonobo-Conf.BNBCNF-MSG Non-English translations for the Bonobo-Conf package Bonobo-Conf.BNBCNF-NOTES Release notes for Bonobo-Conf product Bonobo-Conf.BNBCNF-RUN Run-time executables for the Bonobo-Conf package Bonobo-Conf.BNBCNF-SHLIBS Run-time libraries for the Bonobo-Conf package Bug-buddy Hewlett-Packard Company Bug-buddy.BUGBUDDY-MSG Non-English translations for the GTK+ package Bug-buddy.BUGBUDDY-NOTES Release notes for Bug-buddy product Bug-buddy.BUGBUDDY-RUN A graphical bug reporting tool for GNOME Bzip2 Hewlett-Packard Company Bzip2.BZP2-MAN Documentation for the Bzip2 package Bzip2.BZP2-NOTES Release notes for Bzip2 product Bzip2.BZP2-SHLIBS A file compression utility. CDE Hewlett-Packard Company CDE.CDE-DTTERM CDE Terminal Emulator CDE.CDE-LANGS localized files CDE.Help CDE help subproduct CDE.Help.CDE-HELP-RUN CDE Help Runtime CDE.HelpByLang Localized CDE Help CDE.HelpByLang.CDE-ENG-A-HELP English Localized Help CDE.Manuals CDE man pages CDE.Manuals.CDE-ENG-A-MAN CDE Man Pages CDE.MessagesByLang CDE Localized Messages CDE.MessagesByLang.CDE-ENG-A-MSG English Localized Message Catalog CDE.MessagesByLang.CDE-FRE-I-MSG French Localized Message Catalogs CDE.MessagesByLang.CDE-GER-I-MSG German Localized Message Catalog CDE.MessagesByLang.CDE-ITA-I-MSG Italian Localized Message Catalog CDE.MessagesByLang.CDE-JPN-E-MSG Japanese Localized Message Catalog CDE.MessagesByLang.CDE-JPN-S-MSG Japanese SJIS Localized Message Catalog CDE.MessagesByLang.CDE-KOR-E-MSG Korean Localized Message Catalog CDE.MessagesByLang.CDE-SCH-H-MSG Chinese Localized Message Catalog CDE.MessagesByLang.CDE-SPA-I-MSG Spanish Localized Message Catalog CDE.MessagesByLang.CDE-SWE-I-MSG Swedish Localized Message Catalog CDE.MessagesByLang.CDE-TCH-B-MSG Chinese Big5 Localized Message Catalog CDE.MessagesByLang.CDE-TCH-E-MSG Chinese Localized Message Catalog CDE.MinimumRuntime CDE minimum runtime subproduct CDE.MinimumRuntime.CDE-MIN CDE Minimum Runtime CDE.MinimumRuntime.CDE-SHLIBS CDE Shared Libraries CDE.MinimumRuntime.CDE-TT CDE Messaging CDE.Runtime CDE full runtime subproduct CDE.Runtime.CDE-ENG-A-MAN CDE Man Pages CDE.Runtime.CDE-FONTS CDE Font and Font Support CDE.Runtime.CDE-HELP-RUN CDE Help Runtime CDE.Runtime.CDE-ICONS CDE Icons and bitmaps CDE.Runtime.CDE-MIN CDE Minimum Runtime CDE.Runtime.CDE-RUN CDE Runtime CDE.Runtime.CDE-SHLIBS CDE Shared Libraries CDE.Runtime.CDE-TT CDE Messaging CDEDevKit Hewlett-Packard Company CDEDevKit.CDE-DEMOS Demo Applications CDEDevKit.CDE-HELP-PRG Help Developer Applications CDEDevKit.CDE-INC Header files CDEDevKit.CDE-MAN-DEV Developer Man Pages CDEDevKit.CDE-PRG Developer Libraries CPS Hewlett-Packard Company CPS.CPS-32SLIB CPS-32SLIB CPS.CPS-64SLIB CPS-64SLIB CPS.CPS-MIN CPS-MIN Chkfontpath Hewlett-Packard Company Chkfontpath.CKFNTPTH-MAN Documentation for the Chkfontpath product. Chkfontpath.CKFNTPTH-NOTES Release notes for Chkfontpath product Chkfontpath.CKFNTPTH-RUN Simple interface for editing the font path for the X font server Contrib-Tools Hewlett-Packard Company Contrib-Tools.Runtime Contributed Tools Runtime Subproduct Contrib-Tools.Runtime.CONTRIB Contributed Tools Fileset Contrib-Tools.Runtime.PDCINFO Contributed Tools PDCINFO Fileset Contrib-Tools.Runtime.PIMTOOL Contributed Tools PIMTOOL Fileset Control-center Hewlett-Packard Company Control-center.GNOMECC-MSG Non-English translations for the GTK+ package Control-center.GNOMECC-NOTES Release notes for Control-center product Control-center.GNOMECC-RUN Run-time executables for the Imlib package Control-center.GNOMECC-SHLIBS The GNOME Control Center Curses-Color Hewlett-Packard Company Curses-Color.Development Development Curses-Color.Development.CURSES-PRG Color Curses Programming environment Curses-Color.Manuals Manuals Curses-Color.Manuals.CURS-ENG-A-MAN CURS-ENG-A-MAN Curses-Color.ManualsByLang ManualsByLang Curses-Color.ManualsByLang.CURS-JPN-E-MAN CURS-JPN-E-MAN Curses-Color.ManualsByLang.CURS-JPN-S-MAN CURS-JPN-S-MAN Curses-Color.Runtime Runtime Curses-Color.Runtime.CURSES-MIN Color Curses Runtime environment DB3 Hewlett-Packard Company DB3.DB3-NOTES Release notes for DB3 product DB3.DB3-RUN Run-time executables for the GTK+ package DB3.DB3-SHLIBS BSD database library for C DCE-Core Hewlett-Packard Company DCE-Core.Help Help DCE-Core.Help.DCE-CORE-HELP DCE-CORE-HELP DCE-Core.Manuals Manuals DCE-Core.Manuals.DCEC-ENG-A-MAN DCEC-ENG-A-MAN DCE-Core.Manuals.MACR-ENG-A-MAN MACR-ENG-A-MAN DCE-Core.MessagesByLang MessagesByLang DCE-Core.MessagesByLang.DCE-JPN-E-MSG DCE-JPN-E-MSG DCE-Core.MessagesByLang.DCE-JPN-S-MSG DCE-JPN-S-MSG DCE-Core.MinimumRuntime MinimumRuntime DCE-Core.MinimumRuntime.DCE-COR-64SLIB DCE-COR-64SLIB DCE-Core.MinimumRuntime.DCE-CORE-DTS DCE-CORE-DTS DCE-Core.MinimumRuntime.DCE-CORE-RUN DCE-CORE-RUN DCE-Core.MinimumRuntime.DCE-CORE-SHLIB DCE-CORE-SHLIB DCE-Core.ReleaseNotes ReleaseNotes DCE-Core.ReleaseNotes.DCE-CORE-NOTES DCE-CORE-NOTES DCE-Core.Runtime Runtime DCE-Core.Runtime.DCE-COR-64SLIB DCE-COR-64SLIB DCE-Core.Runtime.DCE-CORE-DTS DCE-CORE-DTS DCE-Core.Runtime.DCE-CORE-RUN DCE-CORE-RUN DCE-Core.Runtime.DCE-CORE-SHLIB DCE-CORE-SHLIB Dia Hewlett-Packard Company Dia.DIA-MAN Documentation for the Dia product. Dia.DIA-MSG Translations for the Dia package. Dia.DIA-NOTES Release notes for Dia product Dia.DIA-RUN A GTK+ based diagram editor and charting tool DigitalVideo Hewlett-Packard Company DigitalVideo.DVIDEO-SHLIBS Digital Video shared libraries DigitalVideo.DVIDEO-SRV Digital Video Server Processes DirectAccess Hewlett-Packard Company DirectAccess.Runtime Runtime Configuration DirectAccess.Runtime.DDA-SHLIBS DirectAccess Graphics Run Time Support Files DiskQuota Hewlett-Packard Company DiskQuota.Manuals Manuals DiskQuota.Manuals.DQUO-ENG-A-MAN DQUO-ENG-A-MAN DiskQuota.ManualsByLang ManualsByLang DiskQuota.ManualsByLang.DQUO-JPN-E-MAN DQUO-JPN-E-MAN DiskQuota.ManualsByLang.DQUO-JPN-S-MAN DQUO-JPN-S-MAN DiskQuota.Runtime Runtime DiskQuota.Runtime.DQUOTA DQUOTA DistributedPrint Hewlett-Packard Company DistributedPrint.Manuals Manuals DistributedPrint.Manuals.PD-ENG-A-MAN PD-ENG-A-MAN DistributedPrint.ManualsByLang ManualsByLang DistributedPrint.ManualsByLang.PD-JPN-E-MAN PD-JPN-E-MAN DistributedPrint.ManualsByLang.PD-JPN-S-MAN PD-JPN-S-MAN DistributedPrint.PD-CLIENT PD-CLIENT DistributedPrint.PD-COMMON PD-COMMON DistributedPrint.PD-SERVCOMMON PD-SERVCOMMON DistributedPrint.PD-SPOOLER PD-SPOOLER DistributedPrint.PD-SUPERVISOR PD-SUPERVISOR EMS-Config Hewlett-Packard Company EMS-Config.EMS-GUI EMS GUI EMS-Core Hewlett-Packard Company EMS-Core.EMS-CORE Event Monitoring Services Core Files EMS-Core.EMS-MX Event Monitoring Services SCMgr Tools EMS-KRMonitor Hewlett-Packard Company EMS-KRMonitor.KRMON-DRV-CMN EMS Kernel Resource Monitor Common Files for Driver EMS-KRMonitor.KRMON-DRV-DRV EMS Kernel Resource Monitor 64-bit Driver EMS-KRMonitor.KRMON-MAN EMS Kernel Resource Monitor Manual EMS-KRMonitor.KRMON-RUN EMS Kernel Resource Monitor Runtime EMS-MIBMonitor Hewlett-Packard Company EMS-MIBMonitor.MIBMON-RUN MIB Resource Monitor Eel Hewlett-Packard Company Eel.EEL-MSG Non-English translations for the Eel package Eel.EEL-NOTES Release notes for Eel product Eel.EEL-RUN Run-time executables for the Eel package Eel.EEL-SHLIBS Eazel Extensions Library Eog Hewlett-Packard Company Eog.EOG-MSG Non-English translations for the GTK+ package Eog.EOG-NOTES Release notes for Eog product Eog.EOG-RUN The Eye of GNOME image viewer Esound Hewlett-Packard Company Esound.ESD-MAN Esound - Documentation Esound.ESD-NOTES Release notes for Esound product Esound.ESD-RUN Esound - Runtime Esound.ESD-SHLIBS Esound - shared libraries FC-TACHYON-TL Hewlett-Packard Company FC-TACHYON-TL.FC-TL-KRN Fibre Channel Tachyon TL Kernel Library FC-TACHYON-TL.FC-TL-RUN Fibre Channel Tachyon TL User Space files FCMassStorage Hewlett-Packard Company FCMassStorage.Manuals Manuals FCMassStorage.Manuals.FCMS-ENG-A-MAN FCMS-ENG-A-MAN FCMassStorage.ManualsByLang ManualsByLang FCMassStorage.ManualsByLang.FCMS-JPN-E-MAN FCMS-JPN-E-MAN FCMassStorage.ManualsByLang.FCMS-JPN-S-MAN FCMS-JPN-S-MAN FCMassStorage.MinimumRuntime MinimumRuntime Configuration FCMassStorage.MinimumRuntime.FCMS-INIT Fibre Channel Mass Storage Utilities FCMassStorage.MinimumRuntime.FCMS-KRN Fibre Channel Mass Storage Drivers FCMassStorage.MinimumRuntime.FCMS-RUN Fibre Channel Mass Storage Utilities FCMassStorage.Runtime Runtime Configuration FCMassStorage.Runtime.FCMS-INIT Fibre Channel Mass Storage Utilities FCMassStorage.Runtime.FCMS-KRN Fibre Channel Mass Storage Drivers FCMassStorage.Runtime.FCMS-RUN Fibre Channel Mass Storage Utilities FDDI-KRN-COM Hewlett-Packard Company FDDI-KRN-COM.MinimumRuntime Minimum Runtime Configuration FDDI-KRN-COM.MinimumRuntime.FDDI467-KRN FDDI Kernel Component FDDI-KRN-COM.Runtime Runtime Configuration FDDI-KRN-COM.Runtime.FDDI467-KRN FDDI Kernel Component FDDI-PCI Hewlett-Packard Company FDDI-PCI.Runtime Runtime Configuration FDDI-PCI.Runtime.FDAD-ENG-A-MAN PCI FDDI manpage fileset FDDI-PCI.Runtime.FDDI4-KRN PCI FDDI Kernel Software Distribution FDDI-PCI.Runtime.FDDI4-RUN PCI FDDI Runtime Software Distribution Flash-Plugin Hewlett-Packard Company Flash-Plugin.FLASH-PLUGIN Macromedia Flash Player Plugin Freetype Hewlett-Packard Company Freetype.FREETYP-NOTES Release notes for Freetype product Freetype.FREETYP-RUN Run-time executables for the Freetype package Freetype.FREETYP-SHLIBS Default for the Freetype package GConf Hewlett-Packard Company GConf.GCONF-MSG Non-English translations for the GConf package GConf.GCONF-NOTES Release notes for GConf product GConf.GCONF-RUN Run-time executables for the GConf package GConf.GCONF-SHLIBS The GNOME configuration database system. GE-DRV Hewlett-Packard Company GE-DRV.Runtime Runtime Configuration GE-DRV.Runtime.GE-KRN Gigabit Ethernet Kernel Software Distribution GE-DRV.Runtime.GE-RUN Gigabit Ethernet Runtime Software Distribution GLib Hewlett-Packard Company GLib.GLIB-MAN Documentation for the GLib package GLib.GLIB-NOTES Release notes for GLib product GLib.GLIB-PRG Development files for the GIMP Toolkit (Gtk) GLib.GLIB-SHLIBS A library of handy utility functions GLib.GLIB-SRC Source code for GLib product GSS-API Hewlett-Packard Company GSS-API.Development Development GSS-API.Development.GSSAPI-PRG GSSAPI-PRG GSS-API.Manuals Manuals GSS-API.Manuals.GSS-ENG-A-MAN GSS-ENG-A-MAN GSS-API.ManualsByLang ManualsByLang GSS-API.ManualsByLang.GSS-JPN-E-MAN GSS-JPN-E-MAN GSS-API.ManualsByLang.GSS-JPN-S-MAN GSS-JPN-S-MAN GSS-API.Runtime Runtime GSS-API.Runtime.GSSAPI-64SLIB GSSAPI-64SLIB GSS-API.Runtime.GSSAPI-RUN GSSAPI-RUN GSS-API.Runtime.GSSAPI-SHLIB GSSAPI-SHLIB GTK Hewlett-Packard Company GTK.GTK-MAN Documentation for the GTK+ package GTK.GTK-MSG Non-English translations for the GTK+ package GTK.GTK-NOTES Release notes for GTK+ product GTK.GTK-PRG Development files for the GIMP Toolkit (Gtk) GTK.GTK-SHLIBS The GIMP Toolkit set of widgets for X GTK.GTK-SRC Source code for GTK+ product Gaim Hewlett-Packard Company Gaim.GAIM-MAN Documentation for the Gaim product. Gaim.GAIM-MSG Non-English translations for the GTK+ package Gaim.GAIM-NOTES Release notes for Gaim product Gaim.GAIM-RUN A client for AOL's 'Instant Messenger' service Gal Hewlett-Packard Company Gal.GAL-MSG Non-English translations for the Gal package Gal.GAL-NOTES Release notes for Gal product Gal.GAL-RUN Run-time executables for the GAL package Gal.GAL-SHLIBS The GNOME Application Library Gdbm Hewlett-Packard Company Gdbm.GDBM-MAN Documentation for the Gdbm product. Gdbm.GDBM-NOTES Release notes for Gdbm product Gdbm.GDBM-SHLIBS GNU dbm database routines Gdk-pixbuf Hewlett-Packard Company Gdk-pixbuf.GDKPIX-NOTES Release notes for Gdk-pixbuf product Gdk-pixbuf.GDKPIX-SHLIBS Image loading library used with GNOME Gdm Hewlett-Packard Company Gdm.GDM-MAN Documentation for the GDM package Gdm.GDM-MSG Non-English translations for the GDM package Gdm.GDM-NOTES Release notes for Gdm product Gdm.GDM-RUN The GNOME Display Manager, a login manager Gedit Hewlett-Packard Company Gedit.GEDIT-MAN Documentation for the Gedit product. Gedit.GEDIT-MSG Translations for the Gedit package. Gedit.GEDIT-NOTES Release notes for Gedit product Gedit.GEDIT-RUN A small but powerful text editor for GNOME. Gettext Hewlett-Packard Company Gettext.GETTEXT-MAN Documentation for the Gettext product Gettext.GETTEXT-MSG Non-English translations for the Gettext package Gettext.GETTEXT-NOTES Release notes for Gettext product Gettext.GETTEXT-PRG Development files for the GNU gettext NLS library Gettext.GETTEXT-SHLIBS GNU gettext NLS library Gettext.GETTEXT-SRC Source code for Gettext product Ggv Hewlett-Packard Company Ggv.GGV-MAN Documentation for the Ggv program. Ggv.GGV-MSG Ggv translations Ggv.GGV-NOTES Release notes for Ggv product Ggv.GGV-RUN GNOME PostScript/PDF viewer Gimp Hewlett-Packard Company Gimp.GIMP-MAN Documentation for the Gimp product. Gimp.GIMP-MSG Translations for the Gimp package. Gimp.GIMP-NOTES Release notes for Gimp product Gimp.GIMP-RUN The GNU Image Manipulation Program Gimp.GIMP-SHLIBS Development files for the Gimp product. Gmc Hewlett-Packard Company Gmc.GMC-MAN Documentation for the Gmc product. Gmc.GMC-MSG Non-English translations for the GTK+ package Gmc.GMC-NOTES Release notes for Gmc product Gmc.GMC-RUN A user-friendly file manager and visual shell Gnet Hewlett-Packard Company Gnet.GNET-MAN Documentation for the Gnet package Gnet.GNET-NOTES Release notes for Gnet product Gnet.GNET-RUN Run-time executables for the Gnet package Gnet.GNET-SHLIBS Networking library Gnome-applets Hewlett-Packard Company Gnome-applets.GNAPPLTS-MSG Non-English translations for the GTK+ package Gnome-applets.GNAPPLTS-NOTES Release notes for Gnome-applets product Gnome-applets.GNAPPLTS-RUN Applets for the GNOME Panel Gnome-audio Hewlett-Packard Company Gnome-audio.GNAUDIO-NOTES Release notes for Gnome-audio product Gnome-audio.GNAUDIO-RUN GNOME audio files Gnome-core Hewlett-Packard Company Gnome-core.GNCORE-MAN Documentation for the Gnome-core package Gnome-core.GNCORE-MSG Non-English translations for the GTK+ package Gnome-core.GNCORE-NOTES Release notes for Gnome-core product Gnome-core.GNCORE-RUN Run-time executables for the Gnome-core package Gnome-core.GNCORE-SHLIBS The core programs for the GNOME GUI desktop environment. Gnome-games Hewlett-Packard Company Gnome-games.GNGAMES-MSG Non-English translations for the gnome-games package Gnome-games.GNGAMES-NOTES Release notes for Gnome-games product Gnome-games.GNGAMES-RUN Executable files for the Gnome-games package Gnome-games.GNGAMES-SHARE Run-time non-executable components for the Gnome-games package Gnome-games.GNGAMES-SHLIBS A collection of games for GNOME Gnome-libs Hewlett-Packard Company Gnome-libs.GNLIBS-MAN Documentation for the GTK+ package Gnome-libs.GNLIBS-MSG Non-English translations for the GTK+ package Gnome-libs.GNLIBS-NOTES Release notes for Gnome-libs product Gnome-libs.GNLIBS-RUN Run-time executables for the GTK+ package Gnome-libs.GNLIBS-SHLIBS Main GNOME libraries Gnome-media Hewlett-Packard Company Gnome-media.GNMEDIA-MSG Non-English translations for the Gnome-media package Gnome-media.GNMEDIA-NOTES Release notes for Gnome-media product Gnome-media.GNMEDIA-RUN Run-time executables for the Gnome-media package Gnome-pim Hewlett-Packard Company Gnome-pim.GNPIM-MSG Translations for the Gnome-Pim package. Gnome-pim.GNPIM-NOTES Release notes for Gnome-pim product Gnome-pim.GNPIM-RUN Calendar and address book for GNOME. Gnome-print Hewlett-Packard Company Gnome-print.GNPRINT-MSG Non-English translations for Gnome-Print Gnome-print.GNPRINT-NOTES Release notes for Gnome-print product Gnome-print.GNPRINT-RUN The GNOME Printing Architecture Gnome-print.GNPRINT-SHLIBS The GNOME Printing Architecture Gnome-usr-doc Hewlett-Packard Company Gnome-usr-doc.GUDOC-NOTES Release notes for Gnome-usr-doc product Gnome-usr-doc.GUDOC-RUN GNOME user-level documentation Gnome-utils Hewlett-Packard Company Gnome-utils.GNUTILS-MAN Documentation for the Gnome-utils package Gnome-utils.GNUTILS-MSG Non-English translations for the GTK+ package Gnome-utils.GNUTILS-NOTES Release notes for Gnome-utils product Gnome-utils.GNUTILS-RUN Gnome Utilities Gnome-vfs Hewlett-Packard Company Gnome-vfs.GVFS-MAN Documentation for the Gnome-VFS package Gnome-vfs.GVFS-MSG Non-English translations for the Gnome-VFS package Gnome-vfs.GVFS-NOTES Release notes for Gnome-vfs product Gnome-vfs.GVFS-RUN Run-time executables for the Gnome-VFS package Gnome-vfs.GVFS-SHLIBS GNOME virtual file system library Gnomeicu Hewlett-Packard Company Gnomeicu.GNOMEICU-MSG Non-English translations for the GTK+ package Gnomeicu.GNOMEICU-NOTES Release notes for Gnomeicu product Gnomeicu.GNOMEICU-RUN GnomeICU is an ICQ-enabled instant messenger for GNOME Gnumeric Hewlett-Packard Company Gnumeric.GNUMERIC-MSG Translations for the Gnumeric package. Gnumeric.GNUMERIC-NOTES Release notes for Gnumeric product Gnumeric.GNUMERIC-RUN A spreadsheet for GNOME Gqview Hewlett-Packard Company Gqview.GQVIEW-MAN Documentation for the Gqview package Gqview.GQVIEW-MSG Non-English translations for the Gqview package Gqview.GQVIEW-NOTES Release notes for Gqview product Gqview.GQVIEW-RUN Run-time executables for the Gqview package Graphics3DCom Hewlett-Packard Company Graphics3DCom.Runtime Runtime Configuration Graphics3DCom.Runtime.COM-64-RUN Common Graphics Run Time Support Files Graphics3DCom.Runtime.COM-RUN Common Graphics Run Time Support Files GraphicsCommon Hewlett-Packard Company GraphicsCommon.Runtime Runtime Configuration GraphicsCommon.Runtime.SBDL-SHLIBS Starbase Display List Run Time Shared Libraries GraphicsCommon.Runtime.STAR-RUN Common Graphics Run Time Support Files GraphicsCommon.Runtime.STAR-SHLIBS Common Graphics Run Time Shared Libraries GraphicsPEX5DK Hewlett-Packard Company GraphicsPEX5DK.Development Software Development GraphicsPEX5DK.Development.PEX5-PRG HP-PEX5 Development Environment GraphicsPEX5DK.Examples Programming Examples GraphicsPEX5DK.Examples.PEX5-EXAMPLES HP-PEX5 Example Programs GraphicsPEX5DK.Help On-Line Help GraphicsPEX5DK.Help.PEX5-HELP HP-PEX5 Online Help GraphicsPEX5RT Hewlett-Packard Company GraphicsPEX5RT.Demonstration Demonstration of the Product GraphicsPEX5RT.Demonstration.PEX5-DEMOS PEX Runtime Demonstration Fileset GraphicsPEX5RT.Runtime Runtime Configuration GraphicsPEX5RT.Runtime.PEX5-DDX HP-PEX5 Dynamic X Extensions GraphicsPEX5RT.Runtime.PEX5-RUN HP-PEX5 Runtime Environment GraphicsPHIGSDK Hewlett-Packard Company GraphicsPHIGSDK.Demonstration Demonstration of the Product GraphicsPHIGSDK.Demonstration.PHIGS-DEMO PHIGS Demonstration of the Product GraphicsPHIGSDK.Development Software Development GraphicsPHIGSDK.Development.PHIGS-PRG PHIGS Development Environment GraphicsPHIGSDK.Manuals Manual Pages and Documentation GraphicsPHIGSDK.Manuals.PHIGS-MAN PHIGS Manual Pages and Documentation GraphicsPHIGSRT Hewlett-Packard Company GraphicsPHIGSRT.Runtime Runtime Configuration GraphicsPHIGSRT.Runtime.PHIGS-RUN PHIGS Runtime Environment GraphicsSBaseDK Hewlett-Packard Company GraphicsSBaseDK.Demonstration Starbase Demonstration GraphicsSBaseDK.Demonstration.SBDL-DEMO Starbase Display List Demonstration GraphicsSBaseDK.Demonstration.STAR-DEMO Starbase Graphics Demonstration GraphicsSBaseDK.Development Starbase Graphics Development Environment GraphicsSBaseDK.Development.SBDL-PRG Starbase Display List Development Environment GraphicsSBaseDK.Development.STAR-PRG HP-UX Starbase Graphics Development Environment GraphicsSBaseDK.Documentation Starbase Graphics Online Documentation GraphicsSBaseDK.Documentation.STAR-HARDCOPY Starbase Graphics Adminsitration Guide Hardcopy GraphicsSBaseDK.Documentation.STAR-WEBDOC Starbase Graphics Adminsitration Guide Online Web Documents GraphicsSBaseDK.Manuals Starbase Graphics Development Environment Manuals GraphicsSBaseDK.Manuals.SBDL-MAN Starbase Display List Development Environment Manuals GraphicsSBaseDK.Manuals.STAR-MAN Starbase Graphics Development Environment Manuals GsFonts Hewlett-Packard Company GsFonts.GSFONTS-NOTES Release notes for GsFonts product GsFonts.GSFONTS-RUN Fonts for the Ghostscript PostScript(TM) interpreter. Gtk-engines Hewlett-Packard Company Gtk-engines.GTKENGNS-NOTES Release notes for Gtk-engines product Gtk-engines.GTKENGNS-RUN Assorted GTK+ theme engines Gtk-themes Hewlett-Packard Company Gtk-themes.GTKTHM-NOTES Release notes for Gtk-themes product Gtk-themes.GTKTHM-RUN Run-time files for the Gtk-themes package Gtop Hewlett-Packard Company Gtop.GTOP-MAN Documentation files for the Gtop Gtop.GTOP-MSG Non-English translations for the Gtop.GTOP-NOTES Release notes for Gtop product Gtop.GTOP-RUN Libraries for gtop system monitoring library (part of Gnome) Helix-sweetpl Hewlett-Packard Company Helix-sweetpl.SWEETPL-NOTES Release notes for Helix-sweetpl product Helix-sweetpl.SWEETPL-RUN Sweetpill Sawfish themes from Ximian Hewlett-Packard Company I2ORAID Hewlett-Packard Company I2ORAID.I2ORAID-KRN I2O RAID kernel distribution (64 bit) I2ORAID.I2ORAID-MAN I2O RAID Man Pages I2ORAID.I2ORAID-RUN I2O RAID runtime distribution (64 bit) IETHER-DRV Hewlett-Packard Company IETHER-DRV.IETHER-KRN Gigabit Ethernet Kernel Software Distribution IETHER-DRV.IETHER-RUN Gigabit Ethernet Runtime Software Distribution IGELAN-DRV Hewlett-Packard Company IGELAN-DRV.IGELAN-KRN Gigabit Ethernet Kernel Software Distribution IGELAN-DRV.IGELAN-RUN Gigabit Ethernet Runtime Software Distribution IPV6AA Hewlett-Packard Company IPV6AA.IPV6-ALL IPv6 11i product : IPV6-ALL IPV6AA.IPV6-DOC IPv6 11i product : IPV6-DOC IPV6AA.IPV6-PRG IPv6 11i product : IPV6-PRG IPV6AA.IPV6-RUN-64 IPv6 11i product : IPV6-RUN-64 IPV6AA.Manuals Manual Pages and Documentation in Multiple Languages IPV6AA.Manuals.IPV6-ENG-A-MAN IPv6 11i product : IPV6-ENG-A-MAN ImageMagick An X11 package for display and manipulation of images. It can handle most\nformats including Xpm, GIF, TIFF, MPEG, JPEG and PNG and comes with several\nutilities. These include display (view, rotate, scale or print the picture),\nanimate (picture sequencer), montage (creates composite image), import (a\nscreen grabber), mogrify (picture manipulator), identify (describe image\nformat), combine (combines images) and convert (picture format converter). ImageMagick.Development ImageMagick.Development.ImageMagick-INC ImageMagick.Manuals ImageMagick.Manuals.ImageMagick-MAN ImageMagick.MinimumRuntime ImageMagick.MinimumRuntime.ImageMagick-SHLIBS ImageMagick.Runtime ImageMagick.Runtime.ImageMagick-RUN ImagingDevKit Hewlett-Packard Company ImagingDevKit.IMAGE-FILES Imaging Subsystem Development Files ImagingDevKit.IMAGE-PGMAN Imaging Subsystem Development Man Pages ImagingDevKit.IMAGE-PRG Imaging Subsystem Development Tools ImagingSubsystem Hewlett-Packard Company ImagingSubsystem.Runtime Runtime filesets for Imaging ImagingSubsystem.Runtime.IMAGE-SHLIBS IMAGE-SHLIBS Imlib Hewlett-Packard Company Imlib.IMLIB-NOTES Release notes for Imlib product Imlib.IMLIB-RUN Run-time executables for the Imlib package Imlib.IMLIB-SHLIBS An image loading and rendering library for X11R6 IntegratedLogin Hewlett-Packard Company IntegratedLogin.MinimumRuntime MinimumRuntime IntegratedLogin.MinimumRuntime.ILOGIN-COMMON ILOGIN-COMMON IntegratedLogin.Runtime Runtime IntegratedLogin.Runtime.ILOGIN-COMMON ILOGIN-COMMON IntegratedLogin.Runtime.ILOGIN-DCE ILOGIN-DCE International Hewlett-Packard Company International.Arabic Arabic International.Arabic.ARABIC ARABIC International.Bulgarian Bulgarian International.Bulgarian.BULGARIAN BULGARIAN International.Czech Czech International.Czech.CZECH CZECH International.Danish Danish International.Danish.DANISH DANISH International.Dutch Dutch International.Dutch.DUTCH DUTCH International.English English International.English.ENGLISH ENGLISH International.Finnish Finnish International.Finnish.FINNISH FINNISH International.French French International.French.FRENCH FRENCH International.German German International.German.GERMAN GERMAN International.Greek Greek International.Greek.GREEK GREEK International.Hebrew Hebrew International.Hebrew.HEBREW HEBREW International.Hungarian Hungarian International.Hungarian.HUNGARIAN HUNGARIAN International.Icelandic Icelandic International.Icelandic.ICELANDIC ICELANDIC International.Italian Italian International.Italian.ITALIAN ITALIAN International.Japanese Japanese International.Japanese.JAPANESE JAPANESE International.Korean Korean International.Korean.KOREAN KOREAN International.Norwegian Norwegian International.Norwegian.NORWEGIAN NORWEGIAN International.Polish Polish International.Polish.POLISH POLISH International.Portuguese Portuguese International.Portuguese.PORTUGUESE PORTUGUESE International.Rumanian Rumanian International.Rumanian.RUMANIAN RUMANIAN International.Russian Russian International.Russian.RUSSIAN RUSSIAN International.Serbocroatian Serbocroatian International.Serbocroatian.SERBOCROATIAN SERBOCROATIAN International.SimpChinese SimpChinese International.SimpChinese.CHINESES CHINESES International.Slovakian Slovakian International.Slovakian.SLOVAKIAN SLOVAKIAN International.Slovenian Slovenian International.Slovenian.SLOVENIAN SLOVENIAN International.Spanish Spanish International.Spanish.SPANISH SPANISH International.Swedish Swedish International.Swedish.SWEDISH SWEDISH International.Thai Thai International.Thai.THAI THAI International.TradChinese TradChinese International.TradChinese.CHINESET CHINESET International.Turkish Turkish International.Turkish.TURKISH TURKISH InternetSrvcs Hewlett-Packard Company InternetSrvcs.Development Development InternetSrvcs.Development.INETSVCS-INC INETSVCS-INC InternetSrvcs.Manuals Manuals InternetSrvcs.Manuals.INET-ENG-A-MAN INET-ENG-A-MAN InternetSrvcs.Manuals.RBTD-ENG-A-MAN RBTD-ENG-A-MAN InternetSrvcs.ManualsByLang ManualsByLang InternetSrvcs.ManualsByLang.INET-JPN-E-MAN INET-JPN-E-MAN InternetSrvcs.ManualsByLang.INET-JPN-S-MAN INET-JPN-S-MAN InternetSrvcs.ManualsByLang.RBTD-JPN-E-MAN RBTD-JPN-E-MAN InternetSrvcs.ManualsByLang.RBTD-JPN-S-MAN RBTD-JPN-S-MAN InternetSrvcs.Runtime Runtime InternetSrvcs.Runtime.INETSVCS-BOOT INETSVCS-BOOT InternetSrvcs.Runtime.INETSVCS-DTC INETSVCS-DTC InternetSrvcs.Runtime.INETSVCS-INETD INETSVCS-INETD InternetSrvcs.Runtime.INETSVCS-RUN INETSVCS-RUN JFS Hewlett-Packard Company JFS.Development Development Environment JFS.Development.VXFS-PRG Subproduct contains the necessary header files for prog env JFS.Manuals Manuals JFS.Manuals.JFS-ENG-A-MAN JFS-ENG-A-MAN JFS.ManualsByLang ManualsByLang JFS.ManualsByLang.JFS-JPN-E-MAN JFS-JPN-E-MAN JFS.ManualsByLang.JFS-JPN-S-MAN JFS-JPN-S-MAN JFS.Runtime Runtime Configuration JFS.Runtime.VXFS-BASE-KRN The Base VxFS File System Kernel files JFS.Runtime.VXFS-BASE-RUN VXFS-BASE-RUN Java-PlugIn1-2 Hewlett-Packard Company Java-PlugIn1-2.JAVA2-PLUGIN Plug-In for Java 2 Java2RTE_base Hewlett-Packard Company Java2RTE_base.JAVA2-JRE-BASE Java 2 RTE, PA1.1 Portable Java2RTE_doc Hewlett-Packard Company Java2RTE_doc.JAVA2-JRE-DOC Java 2 Runtime Environment License Java2RTE_perf Hewlett-Packard Company Java2RTE_perf.JAVA2-JRE Java 2 RTE, PA2.0 Add On Jdk14 Hewlett-Packard Company Jdk14.JDK14-COM Java2 1.4 SDK common files Jdk14.JDK14-DEMO Java2 1.4 SDK demos Jdk14.JDK14-PA11 Java2 1.4 SDK PA-RISC 1.1 files Jdk14.JDK14-PA20 Java2 1.4 SDK PA-RISC 2.0 files Jdk14.JDK14-PA20W Java2 1.4 SDK PA-RISC 2.0W files Jpi13 Hewlett-Packard Company Jpi13.JPI13-COM Java2 1.3 Netscape Plugin common files Jpi13.JPI13-COM-DOC Java2 1.3 Netscape Plugin documentation and distribution license Jpi13.JPI13-PA11 Java2 1.3 Netscape Plugin PA-RISC 1.1 files Jpi14 Hewlett-Packard Company Jpi14.JPI14-COM Java2 1.4 Netscape Plugin common files Jpi14.JPI14-COM-DOC Java2 1.4 Netscape Plugin documentation and distribution license Jpi14.JPI14-PA11 Java2 1.4 Netscape Plugin PA-RISC 1.1 files Jre13 Hewlett-Packard Company Jre13.JRE13-COM Java2 1.3 RTE common files Jre13.JRE13-COM-DOC Java2 1.3 RTE documentation and distribution license Jre13.JRE13-PA11 Java2 1.3 RTE PA-RISC 1.1 files Jre13.JRE13-PA11-CL Java2 1.3 RTE PA-RISC 1.1 Classic VM Jre13.JRE13-PA11-HS Java2 1.3 RTE PA-RISC 1.1 HotSpot VM Jre13.JRE13-PA20 Java2 1.3 RTE PA-RISC 2.0 files Jre13.JRE13-PA20-CL Java2 1.3 RTE PA-RISC 2.0 Classic VM Jre13.JRE13-PA20-HS Java2 1.3 RTE PA-RISC 2.0 HotSpot VM Jre14 Hewlett-Packard Company Jre14.JRE14-COM Java2 1.4 RTE common files Jre14.JRE14-COM-DOC Java2 1.4 RTE documentation and distribution license Jre14.JRE14-PA11 Java2 1.4 RTE PA-RISC 1.1 files Jre14.JRE14-PA11-HS Java2 1.4 RTE PA-RISC 1.1 HotSpot VM Jre14.JRE14-PA20 Java2 1.4 RTE PA-RISC 2.0 files Jre14.JRE14-PA20-HS Java2 1.4 RTE PA-RISC 2.0 HotSpot VM Jre14.JRE14-PA20W Java2 1.4 RTE PA-RISC 2.0W files Jre14.JRE14-PA20W-HS Java2 1.4 RTE PA-RISC 2.0W HotSpot VM Judy-lib Hewlett-Packard Company Judy-lib.JUDY Judy Library and Related files 20020319.213255 PA Judy-lib.JUDY-COMMON Judy Library and Related COMMON files 20020319.213255 KRB-Support Hewlett-Packard Company KRB-Support.Manuals Manuals KRB-Support.Manuals.KRB-SUPP-MAN KRB-SUPP-MAN KRB-Support.ReleaseNotes ReleaseNotes KRB-Support.ReleaseNotes.KRB-SUPP-NOTES KRB-SUPP-NOTES KRB-Support.Runtime Runtime KRB-Support.Runtime.KRB-SUPP-RUN KRB-SUPP-RUN KRB5-Client Hewlett-Packard Company KRB5-Client.Development Development KRB5-Client.Development.KRB5-PRG KRB5-PRG KRB5-Client.Manuals Manuals KRB5-Client.Manuals.KRB5-ENG-A-MAN KRB5-ENG-A-MAN KRB5-Client.ManualsByLang ManualsByLang KRB5-Client.ManualsByLang.KRB5-JPN-E-MAN KRB5-JPN-E-MAN KRB5-Client.ManualsByLang.KRB5-JPN-S-MAN KRB5-JPN-S-MAN KRB5-Client.Runtime Runtime KRB5-Client.Runtime.KRB5-64SLIB KRB5-64SLIB KRB5-Client.Runtime.KRB5-RUN KRB5-RUN KRB5-Client.Runtime.KRB5-SHLIB KRB5-SHLIB KernDevKit Hewlett-Packard Company KernDevKit.KERN-DEV-KIT HP-UX Kernel Developer Kit Keyshell Hewlett-Packard Company Keyshell.Manuals Manuals Keyshell.Manuals.KEYS-ENG-A-MAN KEYS-ENG-A-MAN Keyshell.ManualsByLang ManualsByLang Keyshell.ManualsByLang.KEYS-JPN-E-MAN KEYS-JPN-E-MAN Keyshell.ManualsByLang.KEYS-JPN-S-MAN KEYS-JPN-S-MAN Keyshell.Runtime Runtime Keyshell.Runtime.KEYSHELL-RUN KEYSHELL-RUN LIF-LOAD Hewlett-Packard Company LIF-LOAD.LIFloader Support LIF Loader LIF-LOAD.LIFloader.LIF-LOAD-MIN Support LIF Loader LIF-LOAD.LIFloader.LIF-LOAD-NOTES Support LIF Release Notes LSSERV Hewlett-Packard Company LSSERV.Manuals Manuals LSSERV.Manuals.LSRV-ENG-A-MAN LSRV-ENG-A-MAN LSSERV.ManualsByLang ManualsByLang LSSERV.ManualsByLang.LSRV-JPN-E-MAN LSRV-JPN-E-MAN LSSERV.ManualsByLang.LSRV-JPN-S-MAN LSRV-JPN-S-MAN LSSERV.MinimumRuntime Minimum Runtime Configuration LSSERV.MinimumRuntime.LSSERV-RUN LicensePower/iFOR ARK Runtime LSSERV.MinimumRuntime.LSSERV-SHLIBS LicensePower/iFOR ARK Shared Libraries LSSERV.Runtime Runtime Configuration LSSERV.Runtime.LSSERV-ADMIN Administrator's Runtime Kit LSSERV.Runtime.LSSERV-RUN LicensePower/iFOR ARK Runtime LSSERV.Runtime.LSSERV-SERVER LicensePower/iFOR ARK Server LSSERV.Runtime.LSSERV-SHLIBS LicensePower/iFOR ARK Shared Libraries LVM Hewlett-Packard Company LVM.Manuals Manuals LVM.Manuals.LVM-ENG-A-MAN LVM-ENG-A-MAN LVM.ManualsByLang ManualsByLang LVM.ManualsByLang.LVM-JPN-E-MAN LVM-JPN-E-MAN LVM.ManualsByLang.LVM-JPN-S-MAN LVM-JPN-S-MAN LVM.MinimumRuntime MinimumRuntime LVM.MinimumRuntime.LVM-KRN HP-UX Kernel support for the Logical Volume Manager LVM.MinimumRuntime.LVM-RUN LVM-RUN LVM.Runtime Runtime LVM.Runtime.LVM-KRN HP-UX Kernel support for the Logical Volume Manager LVM.Runtime.LVM-RUN LVM-RUN Libghttp Hewlett-Packard Company Libghttp.LBGHTTP-NOTES Release notes for Libghttp product Libghttp.LBGHTTP-SHLIBS Gnome HTTP client library Libglade Hewlett-Packard Company Libglade.LIBGLDE-NOTES Release notes for Libglade product Libglade.LIBGLDE-SHLIBS The libglade library for loading user interfaces Libgtop Hewlett-Packard Company Libgtop.LIBGTOP-NOTES Release notes for Libgtop product Libgtop.LIBGTOP-SHLIBS Libraries for gtop system monitoring library Libiconv Hewlett-Packard Company Libiconv.LICONV-MAN libiconv - character set conversion library - manual pages Libiconv.LICONV-NOTES Release notes for Libiconv product Libiconv.LICONV-PRG Development files for libiconv Libiconv.LICONV-RUN libiconv - character set conversion library - runtime Libiconv.LICONV-SHLIBS Libiconv - Character set conversion library. Libiconv.LICONV-SRC Source code for Libiconv product Libjpeg Hewlett-Packard Company Libjpeg.LJPEG-MAN JPEG Image library - manual pages Libjpeg.LJPEG-NOTES Release notes for Libjpeg product Libjpeg.LJPEG-RUN JPEG Image library - Runtime Libjpeg.LJPEG-SHLIBS JPEG Image library - shared libraries Libmikmod Hewlett-Packard Company Libmikmod.LMIKMD-MAN Documentation for the Libmikmod package Libmikmod.LMIKMD-NOTES Release notes for Libmikmod product Libmikmod.LMIKMD-RUN Run-time executables for the Libmikmod package Libmikmod.LMIKMD-SHLIBS Run-time libraries for the Libmikmod package Libogg Hewlett-Packard Company Libogg.LIBOGG-NOTES Release notes for Libogg product Libogg.LIBOGG-SHLIBS Run-time libraries for the Libogg package Libole2 Hewlett-Packard Company Libole2.LIBOLE2-NOTES Release notes for Libole2 product Libole2.LIBOLE2-RUN Runtime files for the Libole2 package Libole2.LIBOLE2-SHLIBS Shared libraries for the Libole2 package Libpng Hewlett-Packard Company Libpng.LIBPNG-NOTES Release notes for Libpng product Libpng.LIBPNG-SHLIBS Run-time files for the Libpng libraries Librep Hewlett-Packard Company Librep.LIBREP-MAN Documentation for the Librep product. Librep.LIBREP-NOTES Release notes for Librep product Librep.LIBREP-RUN Run-time components for the Librep package Librep.LIBREP-SHLIBS An embeddable Emacs-Lisp-like Librsvg Hewlett-Packard Company Librsvg.LIBRSVG-NOTES Release notes for Librsvg product Librsvg.LIBRSVG-RUN Run-time executables for the Librsvg package Librsvg.LIBRSVG-SHLIBS SVG rendering library Libtiff Hewlett-Packard Company Libtiff.LTIFF-MAN Documentation for the Libtiff package Libtiff.LTIFF-NOTES Release notes for Libtiff product Libtiff.LTIFF-RUN Run-time executables for the Libtiff package Libtiff.LTIFF-SHLIBS A library of functions for manipulating TIFF format image files. Libungif Hewlett-Packard Company Libungif.LIBUNGF-NOTES Release notes for Libungif product Libungif.LIBUNGF-SHLIBS A library for manipulating GIF format image files. Libvorbis Hewlett-Packard Company Libvorbis.LIBVORB-NOTES Release notes for Libvorbis product Libvorbis.LIBVORB-SHLIBS Run-time libraries for the Libvorbis package Libxml Hewlett-Packard Company Libxml.LIBXML-NOTES Release notes for Libxml product Libxml.LIBXML-SHLIBS Library to let GNOME applications use XML MSDOS-Utils Hewlett-Packard Company MSDOS-Utils.Manuals Manuals MSDOS-Utils.Manuals.DOSU-ENG-A-MAN DOSU-ENG-A-MAN MSDOS-Utils.ManualsByLang ManualsByLang MSDOS-Utils.ManualsByLang.DOSU-JPN-E-MAN DOSU-JPN-E-MAN MSDOS-Utils.ManualsByLang.DOSU-JPN-S-MAN DOSU-JPN-S-MAN MSDOS-Utils.Runtime Runtime MSDOS-Utils.Runtime.DOS-UTILS DOS-UTILS MailUtilities Hewlett-Packard Company MailUtilities.Manuals Manuals MailUtilities.Manuals.MAIL-ENG-A-MAN MAIL-ENG-A-MAN MailUtilities.ManualsByLang ManualsByLang MailUtilities.ManualsByLang.MAIL-JPN-E-MAN MAIL-JPN-E-MAN MailUtilities.ManualsByLang.MAIL-JPN-S-MAN MAIL-JPN-S-MAN MailUtilities.Runtime Runtime MailUtilities.Runtime.MAILERS MAILERS Mesa A 3D graphics library with an API similar to OpenGL. Most applications written\nfor OpenGL can be recompiled for Mesa without making any source code changes.\nMesa's performance is directly related to CPU and X server performance. Several\nthousand lit, smooth-shaded, depth-buffered triangles per second is attainable\non most systems. Mesa.Development Mesa.Development.Mesa-INC Mesa.MinimumRuntime Mesa.MinimumRuntime.Mesa-SHLIBS Mesa.Runtime Mesa.Runtime.Mesa-RUN Mozilla Hewlett-Packard Company Mozilla.MOZ-COM Mozilla 1.4 common files Mozilla.MOZ-COM-DOC Mozilla 1.4 documentation and distribution license Mozilla.MOZ-PA11 Mozilla 1.4 PA-RISC files NFS Hewlett-Packard Company NFS.Development Development NFS.Development.NFS-PRG NFS-PRG NFS.Manuals Manuals NFS.Manuals.NFS-ENG-A-MAN NFS-ENG-A-MAN NFS.ManualsByLang ManualsByLang NFS.ManualsByLang.NFS-JPN-E-MAN NFS-JPN-E-MAN NFS.ManualsByLang.NFS-JPN-S-MAN NFS-JPN-S-MAN NFS.NFS-64ALIB NFS-64ALIB NFS.Runtime Runtime NFS.Runtime.KEY-CORE KEY-CORE NFS.Runtime.NFS-64SLIB NFS-64SLIB NFS.Runtime.NFS-CLIENT NFS-CLIENT NFS.Runtime.NFS-CORE NFS-CORE NFS.Runtime.NFS-KRN NFS-KRN NFS.Runtime.NFS-SERVER NFS-SERVER NFS.Runtime.NFS-SHLIBS NFS-SHLIBS NFS.Runtime.NIS-CORE NIS-CORE NFS.Runtime.NIS-SERVER NIS-SERVER NFS.Runtime.NISPLUS-CORE NISPLUS-CORE NS-communicate Hewlett-Packard Company NS-communicate.NETSCAPE-RUN Netscape Communicator 4.8 Nautilus Hewlett-Packard Company Nautilus.NAUTLS-MAN Documentation for the Nautilus package Nautilus.NAUTLS-MSG Non-English translations for the Nautilus package Nautilus.NAUTLS-NOTES Release notes for Nautilus product Nautilus.NAUTLS-RUN Run-time executables for the Nautilus package Nautilus.NAUTLS-SHLIBS file manager and graphical shell being Networking Hewlett-Packard Company Networking.Development Development Networking.Development.LAN-PRG LAN-PRG Networking.Development.NET-PRG NET-PRG Networking.Manuals Manuals Networking.Manuals.NW-ENG-A-MAN NW-ENG-A-MAN Networking.ManualsByLang ManualsByLang Networking.ManualsByLang.NW-JPN-E-MAN NW-JPN-E-MAN Networking.ManualsByLang.NW-JPN-S-MAN NW-JPN-S-MAN Networking.MinimumRuntime MinimumRuntime Networking.MinimumRuntime.100BT-KRN PCI/HSC 100BASE-T Networking.MinimumRuntime.100BT-RUN PCI/HSC 100BASE-T Networking.MinimumRuntime.LAN-KRN LAN-KRN Networking.MinimumRuntime.LAN-RUN LAN-RUN Networking.MinimumRuntime.LAN2-KRN LAN2-KRN Networking.MinimumRuntime.NET-KRN NET-KRN Networking.MinimumRuntime.NET-RUN NET-RUN Networking.MinimumRuntime.NET2-KRN NET2-KRN Networking.MinimumRuntime.NETTL-64SLIB NETTL-64SLIB Networking.MinimumRuntime.NETTL-MIN NETTL-MIN Networking.MinimumRuntime.NETTL-RUN NETTL-RUN Networking.MinimumRuntime.NMS-KRN NMS-KRN Networking.MinimumRuntime.NMS-RUN NMS-RUN Networking.MinimumRuntime.NMS2-KRN NMS2-KRN Networking.MinimumRuntime.PPP-RUN PPP-RUN Networking.NET-RUN-64 NET-RUN-64 Networking.Runtime Runtime Networking.Runtime.100BT-KRN PCI/HSC 100BASE-T Networking.Runtime.100BT-RUN PCI/HSC 100BASE-T Networking.Runtime.LAN-KRN LAN-KRN Networking.Runtime.LAN-RUN LAN-RUN Networking.Runtime.LAN2-KRN LAN2-KRN Networking.Runtime.NET-KRN NET-KRN Networking.Runtime.NET-RUN NET-RUN Networking.Runtime.NET2-KRN NET2-KRN Networking.Runtime.NETTL-64SLIB NETTL-64SLIB Networking.Runtime.NETTL-ADM NETTL-ADM Networking.Runtime.NETTL-MIN NETTL-MIN Networking.Runtime.NETTL-RUN NETTL-RUN Networking.Runtime.NMS-KRN NMS-KRN Networking.Runtime.NMS-RUN NMS-RUN Networking.Runtime.NMS2-KRN NMS2-KRN Networking.Runtime.PPP-RUN PPP-RUN NonHP-Terminfo Hewlett-Packard Company NonHP-Terminfo.Runtime Runtime NonHP-Terminfo.Runtime.NONHPTERM Non HP terminfo files OBAM Hewlett-Packard Company OBAM.OBAM-BIN ObAM Runtime Support OBAM.OBAM-JVM HP-UX Java Runtime Environment for ObAM OBAM.OBAM-WEB Web Application Server Support ORBit Hewlett-Packard Company ORBit.ORBIT-NOTES Release notes for ORBit product ORBit.ORBIT-RUN Run-time executables for the ORBit package ORBit.ORBIT-SHLIBS A high-performance CORBA Object Request Broker OS-Core Hewlett-Packard Company OS-Core.ARRAY-MGMT ARRAY-MGMT OS-Core.C-MIN-32ALIB HP-UX minimal 32 bit user libraries OS-Core.C-MIN-64ALIB C-MIN-64ALIB OS-Core.Help Help OS-Core.Help.HPUX-HELP HPUX-HELP OS-Core.LINKER-HELP LINKER-HELP OS-Core.Manuals Manuals OS-Core.Manuals.ADMN-ENG-A-MAN ADMN-ENG-A-MAN OS-Core.Manuals.CAUX-ENG-A-MAN CAUX-ENG-A-MAN OS-Core.Manuals.CMIN-ENG-A-MAN CMIN-ENG-A-MAN OS-Core.Manuals.CORE-ENG-A-MAN CORE-ENG-A-MAN OS-Core.Manuals.KERN-ENG-A-MAN KERN-ENG-A-MAN OS-Core.Manuals.TOOL-ENG-A-MAN TOOL-ENG-A-MAN OS-Core.ManualsByLang ManualsByLang OS-Core.ManualsByLang.ADMN-JPN-E-MAN ADMN-JPN-E-MAN OS-Core.ManualsByLang.ADMN-JPN-S-MAN ADMN-JPN-S-MAN OS-Core.ManualsByLang.CAUX-JPN-E-MAN CAUX-JPN-E-MAN OS-Core.ManualsByLang.CAUX-JPN-S-MAN CAUX-JPN-S-MAN OS-Core.ManualsByLang.CMIN-JPN-E-MAN CMIN-JPN-E-MAN OS-Core.ManualsByLang.CMIN-JPN-S-MAN CMIN-JPN-S-MAN OS-Core.ManualsByLang.CORE-JPN-E-MAN CORE-JPN-E-MAN OS-Core.ManualsByLang.CORE-JPN-S-MAN CORE-JPN-S-MAN OS-Core.ManualsByLang.KERN-JPN-E-MAN KERN-JPN-E-MAN OS-Core.ManualsByLang.KERN-JPN-S-MAN KERN-JPN-S-MAN OS-Core.ManualsByLang.TOOL-JPN-E-MAN TOOL-JPN-E-MAN OS-Core.ManualsByLang.TOOL-JPN-S-MAN TOOL-JPN-S-MAN OS-Core.MessagesByLang MessagesByLang OS-Core.MessagesByLang.UX-FRE-I-MSG UX-FRE-I-MSG OS-Core.MessagesByLang.UX-GER-I-MSG UX-GER-I-MSG OS-Core.MessagesByLang.UX-ITA-I-MSG UX-ITA-I-MSG OS-Core.MessagesByLang.UX-JPN-E-MSG UX-JPN-E-MSG OS-Core.MessagesByLang.UX-JPN-S-MSG UX-JPN-S-MSG OS-Core.MessagesByLang.UX-KOR-E-MSG UX-KOR-E-MSG OS-Core.MessagesByLang.UX-SCH-H-MSG UX-SCH-H-MSG OS-Core.MessagesByLang.UX-SPA-I-MSG UX-SPA-I-MSG OS-Core.MessagesByLang.UX-TCH-B-MSG UX-TCH-B-MSG OS-Core.MessagesByLang.UX-TCH-E-MSG UX-TCH-E-MSG OS-Core.MinimumRuntime MinimumRuntime OS-Core.MinimumRuntime.C-KRN C-KRN OS-Core.MinimumRuntime.CMDS-MIN CMDS-MIN OS-Core.MinimumRuntime.CORE-KRN Core HP-UX kernel functionality OS-Core.MinimumRuntime.CORE-SHLIBS CORE-SHLIBS OS-Core.MinimumRuntime.CORE2-KRN Core HP-UX kernel generation files OS-Core.MinimumRuntime.KERN-RUN System Boot utilities OS-Core.MinimumRuntime.KERN2-RUN Core master files and system configuration header OS-Core.MinimumRuntime.UX-CORE UX-CORE OS-Core.NLS-AUX NLS-AUX OS-Core.ReleaseNotes ReleaseNotes OS-Core.ReleaseNotes.RELEASE-NOTES RELEASE-NOTES OS-Core.Runtime Runtime OS-Core.Runtime.C-KRN C-KRN OS-Core.Runtime.C-MIN C-MIN OS-Core.Runtime.C2400-UTIL C2400-UTIL OS-Core.Runtime.CMDS-AUX CMDS-AUX OS-Core.Runtime.CMDS-AX-64SLIB CMDS-AX-64SLIB OS-Core.Runtime.CMDS-MIN CMDS-MIN OS-Core.Runtime.CMDS-MN-64SLIB CMDS-MN-64SLIB OS-Core.Runtime.CORE-64SLIB CORE-64SLIB OS-Core.Runtime.CORE-KRN Core HP-UX kernel functionality OS-Core.Runtime.CORE-SHLIBS CORE-SHLIBS OS-Core.Runtime.CORE2-KRN Core HP-UX kernel generation files OS-Core.Runtime.KERN-RUN System Boot utilities OS-Core.Runtime.KERN2-RUN Core master files and system configuration header OS-Core.Runtime.PERL GNU Perl Kit 5 sources OS-Core.Runtime.Q4 HP-UX Crash Dump Debugger for PA-RISC systems OS-Core.Runtime.SYS-ADMIN SYS-ADMIN OS-Core.Runtime.UPS-TOOLS UPS-TOOLS OS-Core.Runtime.USRCONTRB USRCONTRB OS-Core.Runtime.UX-CORE UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-FRE-U-MSG UX-FRE-U-MSG OS-Core.UX-GER-U-MSG UX-GER-U-MSG OS-Core.UX-ITA-U-MSG UX-ITA-U-MSG OS-Core.UX-JPN-U-MSG UX-JPN-U-MSG OS-Core.UX-KOR-U-MSG UX-KOR-U-MSG OS-Core.UX-SCH-U-MSG UX-SCH-U-MSG OS-Core.UX-SPA-U-MSG UX-SPA-U-MSG OS-Core.UX-TCH-U-MSG UX-TCH-U-MSG OVSNMPAgent Hewlett-Packard Company OVSNMPAgent.Manuals Manuals OVSNMPAgent.Manuals.SNMP-ENG-A-MAN SNMP-ENG-A-MAN OVSNMPAgent.ManualsByLang ManualsByLang OVSNMPAgent.ManualsByLang.SNMP-JPN-E-MAN SNMP-JPN-E-MAN OVSNMPAgent.ManualsByLang.SNMP-JPN-S-MAN SNMP-JPN-S-MAN OVSNMPAgent.Runtime SNMP Network Management Agent OVSNMPAgent.Runtime.MASTER MASTER OVSNMPAgent.Runtime.SUBAGT-HPUNIX SUBAGT-HPUNIX OVSNMPAgent.Runtime.SUBAGT-MIB2 SUBAGT-MIB2 Oaf Hewlett-Packard Company Oaf.OAF-MAN Documentation for the Oaf package Oaf.OAF-MSG Non-English translations for the Oaf package Oaf.OAF-NOTES Release notes for Oaf product Oaf.OAF-RUN Run-time executables for the Oaf package Oaf.OAF-SHLIBS GNOME Object Activation Framework (for GNOME components) OpenGLDevKit Hewlett-Packard Company OpenGLDevKit.Development OpenGL Development Environment OpenGLDevKit.Development.OPENGL-PRG OpenGL Include Files OpenGLDevKit.Examples OpenGL Example Programs OpenGLDevKit.Examples.OPENGL-64-CTRB Contributed OpenGL Example Programs OpenGLDevKit.Examples.OPENGL-64-EXPL OpenGL Example Source Code OpenGLDevKit.Examples.OPENGL-CONTRIB Contributed OpenGL Example Programs OpenGLDevKit.Examples.OPENGL-EXAMPLE OpenGL Example Source Code OpenGLDevKit.Manuals OpenGL Development Environment Manuals OpenGLDevKit.Manuals.OPENGL-WEBDOC OpenGL Online Documentation OpenGLRunTime Hewlett-Packard Company OpenGLRunTime.Demonstration OpenGL Demonstration Subproduct OpenGLRunTime.Demonstration.OPENGL-64-DEMO OpenGL Demonstration Programs OpenGLRunTime.Demonstration.OPENGL-DEMO OpenGL Demonstration Programs OpenGLRunTime.Runtime OpenGL Run Time Environment OpenGLRunTime.Runtime.OPENGL-64-RUN OpenGL Run Time Support Files OpenGLRunTime.Runtime.OPENGL-64-SHLB OpenGL Shared Libraries OpenGLRunTime.Runtime.OPENGL-RUN OpenGL Run Time Support Files OpenGLRunTime.Runtime.OPENGL-SHLIBS OpenGL Shared Libraries PHCO_22958 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_22958.FIRST-BOOT FIRST-BOOT PHCO_22989 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_22989.CORE-KRN OS-Core.CORE-KRN PHCO_23083 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_23083.CMDS-AUX OS-Core.CMDS-AUX PHCO_23263 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_23263.ADMN-ENG-A-MAN HPAutoRaid Utilities Manual Pages PHCO_23263.ARRAY-MGMT HPAutoRaid Utilities PHCO_23370 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_23370.PROG-MIN ProgSupport.PROG-MIN PHCO_23463 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_23463.SOE SOE.SOE PHCO_23463.SOE-ENG-A-MAN SOE.SOE-ENG-A-MAN PHCO_23492 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_23492.CORE-KRN OS-Core.CORE-KRN PHCO_23702 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_23702.C-INC ProgSupport.C-INC PHCO_23909 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_23909.SYSCOM SystemComm.SYSCOM PHCO_23920 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_23920.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHCO_24198 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_24198.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHCO_24396 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_24396.SYS-ADMIN OS-Core.SYS-ADMIN PHCO_24440 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_24440.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHCO_24456 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_24456.SYS-ADMIN OS-Core.SYS-ADMIN PHCO_24477 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_24477.ADMN-ENG-A-MAN OS-Core.ADMN-ENG-A-MAN PHCO_24477.SYS-ADMIN OS-Core.SYS-ADMIN PHCO_24589 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_24589.CMDS-AUX OS-Core.CMDS-AUX PHCO_24590 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_24590.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHCO_24613 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_24613.CORE-64SLIB OS-Core.CORE-64SLIB PHCO_24613.CORE-SHLIBS OS-Core.CORE-SHLIBS PHCO_24613.PROG-MIN ProgSupport.PROG-MIN PHCO_24613.PROG-MN-64ALIB ProgSupport.PROG-MN-64ALIB PHCO_24777 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_24777.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHCO_24846 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_24846.SECURITY SecurityMon.SECURITY PHCO_25008 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_25008.ADMN-ENG-A-MAN OS-Core.ADMN-ENG-A-MAN PHCO_25008.CAUX-ENG-A-MAN OS-Core.CAUX-ENG-A-MAN PHCO_25008.CMDS-AUX OS-Core.CMDS-AUX PHCO_25008.SYS-ADMIN OS-Core.SYS-ADMIN PHCO_25204 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_25204.CMDS-AUX OS-Core.CMDS-AUX PHCO_25204.CORE-ENG-A-MAN OS-Core.CORE-ENG-A-MAN PHCO_25568 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_25568.CORE-64SLIB OS-Core.CORE-64SLIB PHCO_25568.CORE-SHLIBS OS-Core.CORE-SHLIBS PHCO_25569 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_25569.C-INC ProgSupport.C-INC PHCO_25569.INETSVCS-INETD InternetSrvcs.INETSVCS-INETD PHCO_25723 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_25723.Q4 OS-Core.Q4 PHCO_25831 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_25831.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHCO_25841 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_25841.CORE-ENG-A-MAN OS-Core.CORE-ENG-A-MAN PHCO_25841.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHCO_25898 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_25898.CORE-SHLIBS OS-Core.CORE-SHLIBS PHCO_25905 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_25905.CMDS-MIN OS-Core.CMDS-MIN PHCO_25918 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_25918.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHCO_25979 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_25979.SYS-ADMIN OS-Core.SYS-ADMIN PHCO_26026 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_26026.CAUX-ENG-A-MAN OS-Core.CAUX-ENG-A-MAN PHCO_26026.CMDS-AUX OS-Core.CMDS-AUX PHCO_26061 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_26061.CORE-KRN OS-Core.CORE-KRN PHCO_26453 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_26453.CHINESES International.CHINESES PHCO_26453.CHINESET International.CHINESET PHCO_26453.CMDS-MIN OS-Core.CMDS-MIN PHCO_26453.CMDS-MN-64SLIB OS-Core.CMDS-MN-64SLIB PHCO_26453.GREEK International.GREEK PHCO_26453.NLS-AUX OS-Core.NLS-AUX PHCO_26454 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_26454.CORE-ENG-A-MAN OS-Core.CORE-ENG-A-MAN PHCO_26454.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHCO_26455 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_26455.CHINESES International.CHINESES PHCO_26455.CHINESET International.CHINESET PHCO_26455.CMDS-MIN OS-Core.CMDS-MIN PHCO_26455.GREEK International.GREEK PHCO_26455.NLS-AUX OS-Core.NLS-AUX PHCO_26466 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_26466.C-MIN-32ALIB OS-Core.C-MIN-32ALIB PHCO_26466.C-MIN-64ALIB OS-Core.C-MIN-64ALIB PHCO_26466.CORE-64SLIB OS-Core.CORE-64SLIB PHCO_26466.CORE-SHLIBS OS-Core.CORE-SHLIBS PHCO_26466.PAUX-ENG-A-MAN ProgSupport.PAUX-ENG-A-MAN PHCO_26561 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_26561.CMDS-MIN OS-Core.CMDS-MIN PHCO_26562 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_26562.CMDS-MIN OS-Core.CMDS-MIN PHCO_26701 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_26701.CORE-ENG-A-MAN OS-Core.CORE-ENG-A-MAN PHCO_26701.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHCO_26701.VXFS-BASE-RUN JFS.VXFS-BASE-RUN PHCO_26898 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_26898.CMDS-MIN OS-Core.CMDS-MIN PHCO_26907 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_26907.CMDS-AUX OS-Core.CMDS-AUX PHCO_26951 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_26951.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHCO_26956 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_26956.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHCO_26957 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_26957.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHCO_27009 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_27009.ACCOUNTNG Accounting.ACCOUNTNG PHCO_27011 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_27011.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHCO_27018 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_27018.ADMN-ENG-A-MAN OS-Core.ADMN-ENG-A-MAN PHCO_27018.SYS-ADMIN OS-Core.SYS-ADMIN PHCO_27019 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_27019.CORE-ENG-A-MAN OS-Core.CORE-ENG-A-MAN PHCO_27019.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHCO_27037 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_27037.CORE-SHLIBS OS-Core.CORE-SHLIBS PHCO_27049 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_27049.AUDT-ENG-A-MAN SecurityMon.AUDT-ENG-A-MAN PHCO_27057 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_27057.EDIT-ENG-A-MAN TextEditors.EDIT-ENG-A-MAN PHCO_27057.EDITORS TextEditors.EDITORS PHCO_27100 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_27100.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHCO_27101 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_27101.ADMN-ENG-A-MAN OS-Core.ADMN-ENG-A-MAN PHCO_27101.KERN-ENG-A-MAN OS-Core.KERN-ENG-A-MAN PHCO_27101.KERN-RUN OS-Core.KERN-RUN PHCO_27101.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHCO_27103 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_27103.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHCO_27120 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_27120.CORE-ENG-A-MAN OS-Core.CORE-ENG-A-MAN PHCO_27120.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHCO_27242 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_27242.CMDS-MIN OS-Core.CMDS-MIN PHCO_27345 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_27345.CORE-ENG-A-MAN OS-Core.CORE-ENG-A-MAN PHCO_27345.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHCO_27408 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_27408.LVM-ENG-A-MAN LVM.LVM-ENG-A-MAN PHCO_27408.LVM-RUN LVM.LVM-RUN PHCO_27415 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_27415.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHCO_27559 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_27559.CORE-ENG-A-MAN OS-Core.CORE-ENG-A-MAN PHCO_27559.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHCO_27577 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_27577.CMDS-AUX OS-Core.CMDS-AUX PHCO_27618 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_27618.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHCO_27694 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_27694.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHCO_27704 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_27704.SECURITY SecurityMon.SECURITY PHCO_27752 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_27752.SECURITY SecurityMon.SECURITY PHCO_27755 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_27755.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHCO_27758 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_27758.CORE-SHLIBS OS-Core.CORE-SHLIBS PHCO_27780 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_27780.CMDS-AUX OS-Core.CMDS-AUX PHCO_27781 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_27781.CORE-ENG-A-MAN OS-Core.CORE-ENG-A-MAN PHCO_27781.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHCO_27797 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_27797.CORE-ENG-A-MAN OS-Core.CORE-ENG-A-MAN PHCO_27828 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_27828.ADMN-ENG-A-MAN OS-Core.ADMN-ENG-A-MAN PHCO_27828.UPS-TOOLS OS-Core.UPS-TOOLS PHCO_27848 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_27848.PROG-AUX ProgSupport.PROG-AUX PHCO_27884 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_27884.SECURITY SecurityMon.SECURITY PHCO_27944 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_27944.CMDS-MIN OS-Core.CMDS-MIN PHCO_27950 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_27950.TEXT-FMT TextFormatters.TEXT-FMT PHCO_28007 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_28007.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHCO_28084 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_28084.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHCO_28123 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_28123.INETSVCS-BOOT InternetSrvcs.INETSVCS-BOOT PHCO_28123.SAM SystemAdmin.SAM PHCO_28123.SAM-ENG-A-MAN SystemAdmin.SAM-ENG-A-MAN PHCO_28123.SAM-HELP SystemAdmin.SAM-HELP PHCO_28123.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHCO_28134 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_28134.CHINESES International.CHINESES PHCO_28134.CHINESET International.CHINESET PHCO_28134.CMDS-AUX OS-Core.CMDS-AUX PHCO_28134.CMDS-MIN OS-Core.CMDS-MIN PHCO_28134.CMDS-MN-64SLIB OS-Core.CMDS-MN-64SLIB PHCO_28134.GREEK International.GREEK PHCO_28134.JAPANESE International.JAPANESE PHCO_28160 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_28160.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHCO_28167 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_28167.ADMN-ENG-A-MAN HPArray Manager/60 Utilities Manual Pages PHCO_28167.ARRAY-MGMT HPArray Manager/60 Utilities PHCO_28169 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_28169.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHCO_28247 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_28247.CMDS-AUX OS-Core.CMDS-AUX PHCO_28248 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_28248.CORE-ENG-A-MAN OS-Core.CORE-ENG-A-MAN PHCO_28248.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHCO_28259 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_28259.LP-SPOOL PrinterMgmt.LP-SPOOL PHCO_28317 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_28317.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHCO_28319 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_28319.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHCO_28350 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_28350.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHCO_28414 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_28414.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHCO_28530 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_28530.CMDS-AUX OS-Core.CMDS-AUX PHCO_28623 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_28623.CORE-ENG-A-MAN OS-Core.CORE-ENG-A-MAN PHCO_28623.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHCO_28672 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_28672.CMDS-AUX OS-Core.CMDS-AUX PHCO_28719 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_28719.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHCO_28769 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_28769.CORE-ENG-A-MAN OS-Core.CORE-ENG-A-MAN PHCO_28769.SYS-ADMIN OS-Core.SYS-ADMIN PHCO_28773 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_28773.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHCO_28796 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_28796.JFS-ENG-A-MAN JFS.JFS-ENG-A-MAN PHCO_28796.VXFS-BASE-RUN JFS.VXFS-BASE-RUN PHCO_28797 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_28797.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHCO_28845 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_28845.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHCO_28894 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_28894.ADMN-ENG-A-MAN OS-Core.ADMN-ENG-A-MAN PHCO_28894.CAUX-ENG-A-MAN OS-Core.CAUX-ENG-A-MAN PHCO_28894.INET-ENG-A-MAN InternetSrvcs.INET-ENG-A-MAN PHCO_28894.NW-ENG-A-MAN Networking.NW-ENG-A-MAN PHCO_28894.PAUX-ENG-A-MAN ProgSupport.PAUX-ENG-A-MAN PHCO_28894.PMIN-ENG-A-MAN ProgSupport.PMIN-ENG-A-MAN PHCO_28992 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_28992.CORE-ENG-A-MAN OS-Core.CORE-ENG-A-MAN PHCO_28992.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHCO_28998 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_28998.SYS-ADMIN OS-Core.SYS-ADMIN PHCO_28998.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHCO_29029 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_29029.C-MIN OS-Core.C-MIN PHCO_29029.C-MIN-64ALIB OS-Core.C-MIN-64ALIB PHCO_29029.CORE-64SLIB OS-Core.CORE-64SLIB PHCO_29029.CORE-SHLIBS OS-Core.CORE-SHLIBS PHCO_29029.PROG-AUX ProgSupport.PROG-AUX PHCO_29029.PROG-AX-64ALIB ProgSupport.PROG-AX-64ALIB PHCO_29029.PROG-MIN ProgSupport.PROG-MIN PHCO_29029.SYS-ADMIN OS-Core.SYS-ADMIN PHCO_29042 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_29042.CORE-ENG-A-MAN OS-Core.CORE-ENG-A-MAN PHCO_29042.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHCO_29125 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_29125.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHCO_29566 Hewlett-Packard Company PHCO_29566.ADMN-ENG-A-MAN OS-Core.ADMN-ENG-A-MAN PHCO_29566.CORE-SHLIBS OS-Core.CORE-SHLIBS PHCO_29566.UX-CORE OS-Core.UX-CORE PHKL_22987 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_22987.C-INC ProgSupport.C-INC PHKL_22987.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_23006 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_23006.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_23196 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_23196.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_23225 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_23225.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_23250 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_23250.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_23292 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_23292.CORE-KRN OS-Core.CORE-KRN PHKL_23293 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_23293.CORE-KRN OS-Core.CORE-KRN PHKL_23294 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_23294.C-INC ProgSupport.C-INC PHKL_23294.CORE-KRN OS-Core.CORE-KRN PHKL_23295 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_23295.C-INC ProgSupport.C-INC PHKL_23295.CORE-KRN OS-Core.CORE-KRN PHKL_23296 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_23296.C-INC ProgSupport.C-INC PHKL_23296.CORE-KRN OS-Core.CORE-KRN PHKL_23297 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_23297.C-INC ProgSupport.C-INC PHKL_23297.CORE-KRN OS-Core.CORE-KRN PHKL_23298 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_23298.KERN-DEV-KIT KernDevKit.KERN-DEV-KIT PHKL_23299 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_23299.C-INC ProgSupport.C-INC PHKL_23299.CORE-KRN OS-Core.CORE-KRN PHKL_23300 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_23300.KERN-DEV-KIT KernDevKit.KERN-DEV-KIT PHKL_23301 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_23301.CORE-KRN OS-Core.CORE-KRN PHKL_23301.KERN-DEV-KIT KernDevKit.KERN-DEV-KIT PHKL_23302 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_23302.C-INC ProgSupport.C-INC PHKL_23302.CORE-KRN OS-Core.CORE-KRN PHKL_23303 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_23303.C-INC ProgSupport.C-INC PHKL_23303.CORE-KRN OS-Core.CORE-KRN PHKL_23304 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_23304.C-INC ProgSupport.C-INC PHKL_23304.CORE-KRN OS-Core.CORE-KRN PHKL_23305 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_23305.C-INC ProgSupport.C-INC PHKL_23305.CORE-KRN OS-Core.CORE-KRN PHKL_23306 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_23306.C-INC ProgSupport.C-INC PHKL_23306.CORE-KRN OS-Core.CORE-KRN PHKL_23307 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_23307.C-INC ProgSupport.C-INC PHKL_23307.CORE-KRN OS-Core.CORE-KRN PHKL_23308 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_23308.C-INC ProgSupport.C-INC PHKL_23308.CORE-KRN OS-Core.CORE-KRN PHKL_23309 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_23309.C-INC ProgSupport.C-INC PHKL_23309.CORE-KRN OS-Core.CORE-KRN PHKL_23310 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_23310.C-INC ProgSupport.C-INC PHKL_23310.CORE-KRN OS-Core.CORE-KRN PHKL_23311 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_23311.C-INC ProgSupport.C-INC PHKL_23311.CORE-KRN OS-Core.CORE-KRN PHKL_23312 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_23312.C-INC ProgSupport.C-INC PHKL_23312.CORE-KRN OS-Core.CORE-KRN PHKL_23314 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_23314.C-INC ProgSupport.C-INC PHKL_23314.CORE-KRN OS-Core.CORE-KRN PHKL_23315 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_23315.C-INC ProgSupport.C-INC PHKL_23315.CORE-KRN OS-Core.CORE-KRN PHKL_23316 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_23316.CORE-KRN OS-Core.CORE-KRN PHKL_23335 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_23335.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_23337 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_23337.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_23400 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_23400.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_23401 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_23401.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_23423 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_23423.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_23666 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_23666.KERN2-RUN OS-Core.KERN2-RUN PHKL_23810 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_23810.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_23811 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_23811.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_23957 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_23957.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_24026 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_24026.VXFS-BASE-KRN JFS.VXFS-BASE-KRN PHKL_24032 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_24032.KERN2-RUN OS-Core.KERN2-RUN PHKL_24037 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_24037.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_24047 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_24047.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_24056 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_24056.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_24163 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_24163.CORE-KRN OS-Core.CORE-KRN PHKL_24163.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_24188 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_24188.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_24253 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_24253.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_24278 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_24278.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_24343 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_24343.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_24507 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_24507.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_24652 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_24652.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_24730 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_24730.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_24751 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_24751.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_25123 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_25123.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_25209 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_25209.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_25212 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_25212.C-INC ProgSupport.C-INC PHKL_25212.CORE-KRN OS-Core.CORE-KRN PHKL_25212.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_25233 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_25233.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_25238 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_25238.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_25367 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_25367.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_25368 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_25368.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_25375 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_25375.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_25428 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_25428.KERN2-RUN OS-Core.KERN2-RUN PHKL_25506 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_25506.C-INC ProgSupport.C-INC PHKL_25506.CORE-KRN OS-Core.CORE-KRN PHKL_25506.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_25593 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_25593.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_25602 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_25602.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_25652 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_25652.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_25773 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_25773.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_25871 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_25871.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_25886 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_25886.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_26002 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_26002.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_26074 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_26074.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_26104 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_26104.VXFS-BASE-KRN JFS.VXFS-BASE-KRN PHKL_26183 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_26183.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_26269 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_26269.C-INC ProgSupport.C-INC PHKL_26269.CORE-KRN OS-Core.CORE-KRN PHKL_26425 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_26425.CORE-KRN OS-Core.CORE-KRN PHKL_26425.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_26552 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_26552.VXFS-BASE-KRN JFS.VXFS-BASE-KRN PHKL_26705 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_26705.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_26719 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_26719.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_26743 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_26743.LVM-KRN LVM.LVM-KRN PHKL_26755 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_26755.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_26834 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_26834.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_27091 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_27091.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_27094 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_27094.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_27096 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_27096.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_27155 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_27155.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_27177 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_27177.ADMN-ENG-A-MAN ADMN-ENG-A-MAN PHKL_27177.KERN-RUN KERN-RUN PHKL_27179 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_27179.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_27200 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_27200.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_27219 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_27219.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_27266 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_27266.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_27317 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_27317.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_27321 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_27321.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_27431 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_27431.KERN2-RUN OS-Core.KERN2-RUN PHKL_27447 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_27447.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_27498 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_27498.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_27531 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_27531.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_27532 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_27532.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_27682 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_27682.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_27686 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_27686.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_27688 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_27688.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_27715 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_27715.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_27727 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_27727.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_27734 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_27734.VXFS-BASE-KRN JFS.VXFS-BASE-KRN PHKL_27737 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_27737.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_27750 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_27750.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_27757 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_27757.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_27766 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_27766.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_27778 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_27778.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_27839 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_27839.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_27918 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_27918.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_27949 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_27949.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_28025 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_28025.C-INC ProgSupport.C-INC PHKL_28025.CORE-KRN OS-Core.CORE-KRN PHKL_28025.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_28087 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_28087.PAUX-ENG-A-MAN ProgSupport.PAUX-ENG-A-MAN PHKL_28114 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_28114.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_28122 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_28122.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_28139 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_28139.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_28185 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_28185.VXFS-BASE-KRN JFS.VXFS-BASE-KRN PHKL_28197 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_28197.C-INC ProgSupport.C-INC PHKL_28197.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_28209 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_28209.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_28326 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_28326.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_28384 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_28384.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_28393 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_28393.C-INC ProgSupport.C-INC PHKL_28393.CORE-KRN OS-Core.CORE-KRN PHKL_28393.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_28410 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_28410.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_28446 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_28446.C-INC ProgSupport.C-INC PHKL_28446.CORE-KRN OS-Core.CORE-KRN PHKL_28446.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_28474 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_28474.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_28475 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_28475.C-INC ProgSupport.C-INC PHKL_28475.CORE-KRN OS-Core.CORE-KRN PHKL_28475.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_28489 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_28489.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_28512 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_28512.C-INC ProgSupport.C-INC PHKL_28512.CORE-KRN OS-Core.CORE-KRN PHKL_28512.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_28529 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_28529.VXFS-BASE-KRN JFS.VXFS-BASE-KRN PHKL_28569 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_28569.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_28631 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_28631.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_28695 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_28695.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_28765 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_28765.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_28839 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_28839.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_28842 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_28842.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_28967 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_28967.VXFS-BASE-KRN JFS.VXFS-BASE-KRN PHKL_28984 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_28984.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_28984.FCMS-ENG-A-MAN FCMassStorage.FCMS-ENG-A-MAN PHKL_28984.FCMS-KRN FCMassStorage.FCMS-KRN PHKL_28984.FCMS-RUN FCMassStorage.FCMS-RUN PHKL_28990 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_28990.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_28999 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_28999.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_29035 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_29035.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_29035.KERN2-RUN OS-Core.KERN2-RUN PHKL_29045 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_29045.VXFS-BASE-KRN JFS.VXFS-BASE-KRN PHKL_29047 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_29047.C-INC ProgSupport.C-INC PHKL_29047.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_29070 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_29070.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_29076 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_29076.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_29076.KERN2-RUN OS-Core.KERN2-RUN PHKL_29248 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_29248.C-INC ProgSupport.C-INC PHKL_29248.CORE-KRN OS-Core.CORE-KRN PHKL_29248.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_29248.KERN2-RUN OS-Core.KERN2-RUN PHKL_29300 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_29300.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_29300.KERN2-RUN OS-Core.KERN2-RUN PHKL_29468 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_29468.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_29529 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_29529.C-INC ProgSupport.C-INC PHKL_29529.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_29535 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_29535.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_29537 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_29537.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_29538 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_29538.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_29539 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_29539.C-INC ProgSupport.C-INC PHKL_29539.CORE-KRN OS-Core.CORE-KRN PHKL_29539.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_29567 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_29567.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_29650 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_29650.C-INC ProgSupport.C-INC PHKL_29650.CORE-KRN OS-Core.CORE-KRN PHKL_29650.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_29650.KERN2-RUN OS-Core.KERN2-RUN PHKL_29651 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_29651.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHKL_29700 Hewlett-Packard Company PHKL_29700.C-INC ProgSupport.C-INC PHKL_29700.CORE-KRN OS-Core.CORE-KRN PHKL_29700.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHNE_23275 Hewlett-Packard Company PHNE_23275.INET-ENG-A-MAN Internet Services Manpage PHNE_23275.INETSVCS-RUN Internet Services Fileset PHNE_23289 Hewlett-Packard Company PHNE_23289.C-INC ProgSupport.C-INC PHNE_24130 Hewlett-Packard Company PHNE_24130.INET-ENG-A-MAN InternetSrvcs.INET-ENG-A-MAN PHNE_24130.INETSVCS-INETD InternetSrvcs.INETSVCS-INETD PHNE_24384 Hewlett-Packard Company PHNE_24384.INETSVCS-RUN Internet Services Fileset PHNE_24512 Hewlett-Packard Company PHNE_24512.INETSVCS-BOOT InternetSrvcs.INETSVCS-BOOT PHNE_24522 Hewlett-Packard Company PHNE_24522.MAIL-ENG-A-MAN MAILERS PHNE_24522.MAILERS MAILERS PHNE_24829 Hewlett-Packard Company PHNE_24829.INET-ENG-A-MAN Internet Services Fileset PHNE_24829.INETSVCS-RUN Internet Services Fileset PHNE_24829.NET2-KRN Networking.NET2-KRN PHNE_25083 Hewlett-Packard Company PHNE_25083.STRTIO-KRN HP-UX Kernel support for Streams TermIO drivers PHNE_25083.STRTIO2-KRN HP-UX Kernel Streams TermIO driver library and master file PHNE_27765 Hewlett-Packard Company PHNE_27765.INETSVCS-RUN Internet Services Fileset PHNE_27777 Hewlett-Packard Company PHNE_27777.INET-ENG-A-MAN Internet Services Fileset PHNE_27777.INETSVCS-RUN Internet Services Fileset PHNE_27796 Hewlett-Packard Company PHNE_27796.NFS-64SLIB Network-File System Fileset PHNE_27796.NFS-SHLIBS Network-File System Fileset PHNE_28444 Hewlett-Packard Company PHNE_28444.CORE-KRN Core HP-UX kernel functionality PHNE_28444.CORE2-KRN Core HP-UX kernel generation files PHNE_28444.NETTL-64SLIB NETTL-64SLIB PHNE_28444.NETTL-ADM NetTL administrative interface PHNE_28444.NETTL-MIN Minimal Binaries for NetTL PHNE_28444.NETTL-RUN Necessary Binaries for NetTL PHNE_28444.NW-ENG-A-MAN Networking man pages PHNE_28476 Hewlett-Packard Company PHNE_28476.STREAMS-32ALIB Streams.STREAMS-32ALIB PHNE_28476.STREAMS-64ALIB Streams.STREAMS-64ALIB PHNE_28476.STREAMS-64SLIB Streams.STREAMS-64SLIB PHNE_28476.STREAMS-MIN Streams.STREAMS-MIN PHNE_28476.STREAMS2-KRN Streams.STREAMS2-KRN PHNE_28568 Hewlett-Packard Company PHNE_28568.KEY-CORE NFS.KEY-CORE PHNE_28568.NFS-64ALIB NFS.NFS-64ALIB PHNE_28568.NFS-64SLIB NFS.NFS-64SLIB PHNE_28568.NFS-CLIENT NFS.NFS-CLIENT PHNE_28568.NFS-CORE NFS.NFS-CORE PHNE_28568.NFS-ENG-A-MAN NFS.NFS-ENG-A-MAN PHNE_28568.NFS-KRN NFS.NFS-KRN PHNE_28568.NFS-PRG NFS.NFS-PRG PHNE_28568.NFS-SERVER NFS.NFS-SERVER PHNE_28568.NFS-SHLIBS NFS.NFS-SHLIBS PHNE_28568.NIS-CLIENT NFS.NIS-CLIENT PHNE_28568.NIS-CORE NFS.NIS-CORE PHNE_28568.NIS-SERVER NFS.NIS-SERVER PHNE_28568.NISPLUS-CORE NFS.NISPLUS-CORE PHNE_28799 Hewlett-Packard Company PHNE_28799.100BT-KRN Networking.100BT-KRN PHNE_28799.100BT-RUN Networking.100BT-RUN PHNE_28799.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHNE_28810 Hewlett-Packard Company PHNE_28810.INET-ENG-A-MAN Internet Services Fileset PHNE_28810.INETSVCS-RUN Internet Services Fileset PHNE_28923 Hewlett-Packard Company PHNE_28923.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHNE_28923.LAN-RUN Networking.LAN-RUN PHNE_28923.LAN2-KRN Networking.LAN2-KRN PHNE_28923.NW-ENG-A-MAN Networking.NW-ENG-A-MAN PHNE_29577 Hewlett-Packard Company PHNE_29577.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHNE_29577.KERN2-RUN OS-Core.KERN2-RUN PHNE_29887 Hewlett-Packard Company PHNE_29887.C-INC ProgSupport.C-INC PHNE_29887.CORE-KRN OS-Core.CORE-KRN PHNE_29887.CORE2-KRN OS-Core.CORE2-KRN PHNE_29887.NET-KRN Networking.NET-KRN PHNE_29887.NET-PRG Networking.NET-PRG PHNE_29887.NET-RUN Networking.NET-RUN PHNE_29887.NET-RUN-64 Networking.NET-RUN-64 PHNE_29887.NET2-KRN Networking.NET2-KRN PHNE_29887.NMS2-KRN Networking.NMS2-KRN PHNE_29887.NW-ENG-A-MAN Networking.NW-ENG-A-MAN PHNE_29887.SYS-ADMIN OS-Core.SYS-ADMIN PHSS_16482 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_16482.CDE-LANGS CDE.CDE-LANGS PHSS_16482.CDE-RUN CDE.CDE-RUN PHSS_22535 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_22535.C-ENG-A-MAN B.11.11 PHSS_22535.C-INC B.11.11 PHSS_22535.C-KRN B.11.11 PHSS_22535.C-MIN B.11.11 PHSS_22535.C-MIN-64ALIB B.11.11 PHSS_22535.CAUX-ENG-A-MAN B.11.11 PHSS_22535.CMDS-AUX B.11.11 PHSS_22535.CORE-64SLIB B.11.11 PHSS_22535.CORE-SHLIBS B.11.11 PHSS_22535.LANG-MIN B.11.11 PHSS_22535.LINKER-HELP B.11.11 PHSS_22535.PAUX-ENG-A-MAN B.11.11 PHSS_22535.PROG-AUX B.11.11 PHSS_22535.PROG-AX-64ALIB B.11.11 PHSS_22535.UX-FRE-I-MSG B.11.11 PHSS_22535.UX-FRE-U-MSG B.11.11 PHSS_22535.UX-GER-I-MSG B.11.11 PHSS_22535.UX-GER-U-MSG B.11.11 PHSS_22535.UX-ITA-I-MSG B.11.11 PHSS_22535.UX-ITA-U-MSG B.11.11 PHSS_22535.UX-JPN-E-MSG B.11.11 PHSS_22535.UX-JPN-S-MSG B.11.11 PHSS_22535.UX-JPN-U-MSG B.11.11 PHSS_22535.UX-KOR-E-MSG B.11.11 PHSS_22535.UX-KOR-U-MSG B.11.11 PHSS_22535.UX-SCH-H-MSG B.11.11 PHSS_22535.UX-SCH-U-MSG B.11.11 PHSS_22535.UX-SPA-I-MSG B.11.11 PHSS_22535.UX-SPA-U-MSG B.11.11 PHSS_22535.UX-TCH-B-MSG B.11.11 PHSS_22535.UX-TCH-E-MSG B.11.11 PHSS_22535.UX-TCH-U-MSG B.11.11 PHSS_22751 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_22751.DVIDEO-SHLIBS Digital Video Shared Libraries PHSS_22751.DVIDEO-SRV Digital Video Server Processes PHSS_22758 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_22758.AUDIO-SHLIBS AudioSubsystem shared libraries fileset PHSS_23818 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_23818.C-KRN fr=B.11.11 PHSS_24205 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_24205.C-INC B.11.11 PHSS_24207 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_24207.C-INC B.11.11 PHSS_24207.C-MIN B.11.11 PHSS_24207.C-MIN-64ALIB B.11.11 PHSS_24207.CORE-64SLIB B.11.11 PHSS_24207.CORE-SHLIBS B.11.11 PHSS_25983 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_25983.KERN-RUN hpux(1M) PHSS_26321 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_26321.C-KRN fr=B.11.11 PHSS_26321.C-MIN fr=B.11.11 PHSS_26340 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_26340.C-MIN B.11.11 PHSS_26495 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_26495.CDE-LANGS localized files PHSS_26627 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_26627.DDA-SHLIBS DirectAccess.DDA-SHLIBS PHSS_26628 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_26628.COM-64-RUN Graphics3DCom.COM-64-RUN PHSS_26628.COM-RUN Graphics3DCom.COM-RUN PHSS_26629 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_26629.SBDL-SHLIBS GraphicsCommon.SBDL-SHLIBS PHSS_26629.STAR-RUN GraphicsCommon.STAR-RUN PHSS_26629.STAR-SHLIBS GraphicsCommon.STAR-SHLIBS PHSS_26630 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_26630.PEX5-EXAMPLES GraphicsPEX5DK.PEX5-EXAMPLES PHSS_26630.PEX5-PRG GraphicsPEX5DK.PEX5-PRG PHSS_26631 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_26631.PEX5-DDX GraphicsPEX5RT.PEX5-DDX PHSS_26631.PEX5-RUN GraphicsPEX5RT.PEX5-RUN PHSS_26632 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_26632.PHIGS-DEMO GraphicsPHIGSDK.PHIGS-DEMO PHSS_26632.PHIGS-PRG GraphicsPHIGSDK.PHIGS-PRG PHSS_26633 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_26633.PHIGS-RUN GraphicsPHIGSRT.PHIGS-RUN PHSS_26634 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_26634.SBDL-DEMO GraphicsSBaseDK.SBDL-DEMO PHSS_26634.SBDL-PRG GraphicsSBaseDK.SBDL-PRG PHSS_26634.STAR-DEMO GraphicsSBaseDK.STAR-DEMO PHSS_26634.STAR-PRG GraphicsSBaseDK.STAR-PRG PHSS_26635 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_26635.OPENGL-64-CTRB OpenGLDevKit.OPENGL-64-CTRB PHSS_26635.OPENGL-64-EXPL OpenGLDevKit.OPENGL-64-EXPL PHSS_26635.OPENGL-CONTRIB OpenGLDevKit.OPENGL-CONTRIB PHSS_26635.OPENGL-EXAMPLE OpenGLDevKit.OPENGL-EXAMPLE PHSS_26635.OPENGL-PRG OpenGLDevKit.OPENGL-PRG PHSS_26636 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_26636.OPENGL-64-DEMO OpenGLRunTime.OPENGL-64-DEMO PHSS_26636.OPENGL-64-SHLB OpenGLRunTime.OPENGL-64-SHLB PHSS_26636.OPENGL-DEMO OpenGLRunTime.OPENGL-DEMO PHSS_26636.OPENGL-RUN OpenGLRunTime.OPENGL-RUN PHSS_26636.OPENGL-SHLIBS OpenGLRunTime.OPENGL-SHLIBS PHSS_26799 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_26799.FC-TL-KRN Fibre Channel Tachyon TL Kernel Library PHSS_26799.FC-TL-RUN Fibre Channel Tachyon TL User Space files PHSS_26946 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_26946.CORE-64SLIB OS-Core.CORE-64SLIB PHSS_26946.CORE-SHLIBS OS-Core.CORE-SHLIBS PHSS_26946.LANG-64ALIB B.11.11 PHSS_26946.LANG-MIN B.11.11 PHSS_26971 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_26971.X11-FONTSRV X11 Font Server PHSS_26973 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_26973.X11-FONTSRV X11 Font Server PHSS_26975 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_26975.X11-FONTSRV X11 Font Server PHSS_26977 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_26977.X11-FONTSRV X11 Font Server PHSS_27098 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_27098.I2ORAID-MAN I2O RAID Man Pages PHSS_27098.I2ORAID-RUN I2O RAID runtime distribution (64 bit) PHSS_27116 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_27116.OBAM-RUN SystemAdmin.OBAM-RUN PHSS_27192 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_27192.AUD-ENG-A-MAN AudioSubsystem man pages fileset PHSS_27192.AUDIO-SHLIBS AudioSubysystem shared libraries fileset PHSS_27192.AUDIO-SRV AudioSubsystem server fileset PHSS_27367 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_27367.CORE-64SLIB B.11.11 PHSS_27367.CORE-SHLIBS B.11.11 PHSS_27700 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_27700.CPS-32SLIB CPS.CPS-32SLIB PHSS_27700.CPS-64SLIB CPS.CPS-64SLIB PHSS_27700.CPS-MIN CPS.CPS-MIN PHSS_27858 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_27858.AGENT-MAN OVSNMPAgentMan.AGENT-MAN PHSS_27858.MASTER OVSNMPAgent.MASTER PHSS_27858.SUBAGT-HPUNIX OVSNMPAgent.SUBAGT-HPUNIX PHSS_27858.SUBAGT-MIB2 OVSNMPAgent.SUBAGT-MIB2 PHSS_27872 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_27872.CDE-DTTERM CDE Terminal Emulator PHSS_27872.CDE-ENG-A-MSG English Localized Message Catalog PHSS_27872.CDE-ITA-I-MSG Italian Localized Message Catalog PHSS_27872.CDE-MIN CDE Minimum Runtime PHSS_27872.CDE-SCH-H-MSG Chinese Localized Message Catalog PHSS_27872.CDE-SHLIBS CDE Shared Libraries PHSS_27872.CDE-SWE-I-MSG Swedish Localized Message Catalog PHSS_27872.CDE-TCH-B-MSG Chinese Big5 Localized Message Catalog PHSS_27872.CDE-TT CDE Messaging PHSS_28219 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_28219.TPS-C-SERV TPS fileset PHSS_28219.TPS-MAN TPS fileset PHSS_28219.TPS-MIN TPS fileset PHSS_28219.TPS-SERV TPS fileset PHSS_28303 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_28303.CORE-64SLIB CORE-64SLIB PHSS_28303.CORE-SHLIBS CORE-SHLIBS PHSS_28303.LANG-64ALIB LANG-64ALIB PHSS_28303.LANG-MIN LANG-MIN PHSS_28386 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_28386.DCE-COR-64SLIB DCE-Core.DCE-COR-64SLIB PHSS_28386.DCE-CORE-DTS DCE-Core.DCE-CORE-DTS PHSS_28386.DCE-CORE-RUN DCE-Core.DCE-CORE-RUN PHSS_28386.DCE-CORE-SHLIB DCE-Core.DCE-CORE-SHLIB PHSS_28386.DCEC-ENG-A-MAN DCE-Core.DCEC-ENG-A-MAN PHSS_28388 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_28388.ILOGIN-COMMON IntegratedLogin.ILOGIN-COMMON PHSS_28388.ILOGIN-DCE IntegratedLogin.ILOGIN-DCE PHSS_28470 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_28470.X11-FONTSRV X11 Font Server PHSS_28519 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_28519.MASTER OVSNMPAgent.MASTER PHSS_28675 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_28675.CDE-ENG-A-HELP CDE Runtime Help Volumes PHSS_28675.CDE-ENG-A-MAN CDE Runtime Man Pages PHSS_28675.CDE-FONTS CDE Font and Font Support PHSS_28675.CDE-HELP-RUN CDE Help Runtime PHSS_28675.CDE-RUN CDE Runtime PHSS_28681 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_28681.X11-JPN-S-MSG Japanese SJIS message catalogs for X11 PHSS_28681.X11-RUN-CL X11 clients for client-side environment PHSS_28681.X11-TCH-B-MSG T-Chinese Big5 message catalogs for X11 PHSS_28875 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_28875.MOTIF-SHLIB Motif shared libraries PHSS_28875.X11-FONT-AUX Fonts for non-minimal runtime system PHSS_28875.X11-FONT-MIN Fonts for minimal runtime system PHSS_28875.X11-TCH-B-MSG T-Chinese Big5 message catalogs for X11 PHSS_28875.X11R5-SHLIBS X11R5 shared libraries PHSS_28875.X11R6-SHLIBS X11R6 shared libraries PHSS_28940 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_28940.KRB5-64SLIB KRB5-64SLIB PHSS_28940.KRB5-ENG-A-MAN KRB5-ENG-A-MAN PHSS_28940.KRB5-PRG KRB5-PRG PHSS_28940.KRB5-RUN KRB5-RUN PHSS_28940.KRB5-SHLIB KRB5-SHLIB PHSS_29031 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_29031.MFCONV-JPN-RUN Code Convertion Tools Runtime - Japan PHSS_29031.PRNTR-RUN Runtime module of filters for Asian printers PHSS_29031.PRNTR-SCH-RUN Runtime module of filters and fonts for Simplified Chinese printers PHSS_29031.PRNTR-TCH-RUN Runtime module of filters and fonts for Traditional Chinese printers PHSS_29031.PRT-LP-JPN-RUN Runtime module of lp models and filters for Japanese printers PHSS_29031.PRT-LP-RUN Runtime module of lp models and filters for Asian Printers PHSS_29031.PRT-LP-TCH-RUN Runtime module of lp models and filters for Traditional Chinese printers PHSS_29031.TTK-TCH-RUN TSDO Toolkit Runtime - Taiwan PHSS_29031.UDC-JPN-RUN User Defined Character Tools Runtime - Japan PHSS_29031.UDC-RUN User Defined Character Tools Runtime - Asian Common PHSS_29031.UTILS-RUN Runtime module of commands for Asian terminals and printers PHSS_29183 Hewlett-Packard Company PHSS_29183.AGRM Xserver.AGRM PHSS_29183.DDX-ADVANCED Xserver.DDX-ADVANCED PHSS_29183.DDX-ENTRY Xserver.DDX-ENTRY PHSS_29183.DDX-LOAD Xserver.DDX-LOAD PHSS_29183.DDX-SAM Xserver.DDX-SAM PHSS_29183.DDX-SLS Xserver.DDX-SLS PHSS_29183.DDX-UTILS Xserver.DDX-UTILS PHSS_29183.X11-SERV Xserver.X11-SERV PHSS_29183.X11-SERV-MAN Xserver.X11-SERV-MAN PHSS_29183.XEXT-DBE Xserver.XEXT-DBE PHSS_29183.XEXT-DBE-MAN Xserver.XEXT-DBE-MAN PHSS_29183.XEXT-DPMS Xserver.XEXT-DPMS PHSS_29183.XEXT-DPMS-MAN Xserver.XEXT-DPMS-MAN PHSS_29183.XEXT-HPCR Xserver.XEXT-HPCR PHSS_29183.XEXT-HPCR-MAN Xserver.XEXT-HPCR-MAN PHSS_29183.XEXT-MBX Xserver.XEXT-MBX PHSS_29183.XEXT-RECORD Xserver.XEXT-RECORD Pan Hewlett-Packard Company Pan.PAN-MSG Non-English translations for the Pan package Pan.PAN-NOTES Release notes for Pan product Pan.PAN-RUN Run-time files for the Pan package PartitionManager Hewlett-Packard Company PartitionManager.PARMGR Partition Management PartitionManager.PARMGR-HELP Partition Manager On-line Help PartitionManager.PARMGR-MAN Partition Manager Manual Pages Perl5 Hewlett-Packard Company Perl5.PERL-MAN The Perl Man Pages Perl5.PERL-RUN The Perl Programming Language with Extensions Popt Hewlett-Packard Company Popt.POPT-MAN Documentation for the Popt package Popt.POPT-MSG Non-English translations for the GTK+ package Popt.POPT-NOTES Release notes for Popt product Popt.POPT-SHLIBS Library for parsing command line parameters PrinterMgmt Hewlett-Packard Company PrinterMgmt.Manuals Manuals PrinterMgmt.Manuals.LPSP-ENG-A-MAN LPSP-ENG-A-MAN PrinterMgmt.ManualsByLang ManualsByLang PrinterMgmt.ManualsByLang.LPSP-JPN-E-MAN LPSP-JPN-E-MAN PrinterMgmt.ManualsByLang.LPSP-JPN-S-MAN LPSP-JPN-S-MAN PrinterMgmt.Runtime Runtime PrinterMgmt.Runtime.LP-SPOOL LP-SPOOL ProgSupport Hewlett-Packard Company ProgSupport.LANG-64ALIB LANG-64ALIB ProgSupport.Manuals Manuals ProgSupport.Manuals.C-ENG-A-MAN C-ENG-A-MAN ProgSupport.Manuals.PAUX-ENG-A-MAN PAUX-ENG-A-MAN ProgSupport.Manuals.PMIN-ENG-A-MAN PMIN-ENG-A-MAN ProgSupport.ManualsByLang ManualsByLang ProgSupport.ManualsByLang.C-JPN-E-MAN C-JPN-E-MAN ProgSupport.ManualsByLang.C-JPN-S-MAN C-JPN-S-MAN ProgSupport.ManualsByLang.PAUX-JPN-E-MAN PAUX-JPN-E-MAN ProgSupport.ManualsByLang.PAUX-JPN-S-MAN PAUX-JPN-S-MAN ProgSupport.ManualsByLang.PMIN-JPN-E-MAN PMIN-JPN-E-MAN ProgSupport.ManualsByLang.PMIN-JPN-S-MAN PMIN-JPN-S-MAN ProgSupport.MinimumRuntime MinimumRuntime ProgSupport.MinimumRuntime.LANG-MIN LANG-MIN ProgSupport.Runtime Runtime ProgSupport.Runtime.C-INC C-INC ProgSupport.Runtime.LANG-MIN LANG-MIN ProgSupport.Runtime.PROG-AUX PROG-AUX ProgSupport.Runtime.PROG-AX-64ALIB PROG-AX-64ALIB ProgSupport.Runtime.PROG-MIN PROG-MIN ProgSupport.Runtime.PROG-MN-64ALIB PROG-MN-64ALIB RandomNumGen Hewlett-Packard Company RandomNumGen.RNG-KRN Strong Random Number Generator Kernel Enablement RandomNumGenDyn Hewlett-Packard Company RandomNumGenDyn.RNG-DKRN Strong Random Number Generator DLKM Rep-gtk Hewlett-Packard Company Rep-gtk.REP-GTK-NOTES Release notes for Rep-gtk product Rep-gtk.REP-GTK-SHLIBS GTK bindings for librep SCSI-Passthru Hewlett-Packard Company SCSI-Passthru.Runtime Runtime SCSI-Passthru.Runtime.SPT-DVR NIO SCSI Pass Thru Driver (SPTD) SCSI-Passthru.Runtime.SPT2-DVR Machine specific files for NIO SPTD SDL media development API SDL.sdl-RUN SOE Hewlett-Packard Company SOE.Manuals Manuals SOE.Manuals.SOE-ENG-A-MAN SOE-ENG-A-MAN SOE.ManualsByLang ManualsByLang SOE.ManualsByLang.SOE-JPN-E-MAN SOE-JPN-E-MAN SOE.ManualsByLang.SOE-JPN-S-MAN SOE-JPN-S-MAN SOE.Runtime Runtime SOE.Runtime.SOE SOE SW-DIST Hewlett-Packard Company SW-DIST.Examples Example PSF files SW-DIST.Examples.SD-EXAMPLES HP-UX Software Distributor Example PSFs SW-DIST.GzipTools Gnu gzip Tools SW-DIST.GzipTools.GZIP Gnu gzip Tools SW-DIST.Help On-line Help SW-DIST.Help.SD-HELP HP-UX Software Distributor on-line help SW-DIST.Help.SD-JPN-E-HELP Japanese EUC Online Help for SD SW-DIST.Help.SD-JPN-S-HELP Japanese SJIS Online Help for SD SW-DIST.Manuals Manuals SW-DIST.Manuals.SD-ENG-A-MAN SD-ENG-A-MAN SW-DIST.ManualsByLang ManualsByLang SW-DIST.ManualsByLang.SD-JPN-E-MAN SD-JPN-E-MAN SW-DIST.ManualsByLang.SD-JPN-S-MAN SD-JPN-S-MAN SW-DIST.MessagesByLang Localized message catalogs SW-DIST.MessagesByLang.SD-FRE-I-MSG French message catalogs for SD SW-DIST.MessagesByLang.SD-GER-I-MSG German message catalogs for SD SW-DIST.MessagesByLang.SD-JPN-E-MSG Japanese EUC message catalogs for SD SW-DIST.MessagesByLang.SD-JPN-S-MSG Japanese SJIS message catalogs for SD SW-DIST.MessagesByLang.SD-KOR-E-MSG Korean message catalogs for SD SW-DIST.MessagesByLang.SD-TCH-B-MSG Traditional Chinese (big5) message catalogs for SD SW-DIST.MessagesByLang.SD-TCH-H-MSG Simplified Chinese (hp15CN) message catalogs for SD SW-DIST.MinimumRuntime Minimum Runtime Configuration SW-DIST.MinimumRuntime.SD-AGENT HP-UX Software Distributor agent and daemon SW-DIST.MinimumRuntime.SD-CMDS HP-UX Software Distributor commands SW-DIST.Runtime Runtime Configuration SW-DIST.Runtime.SD-AGENT HP-UX Software Distributor agent and daemon SW-DIST.Runtime.SD-CMDS HP-UX Software Distributor commands SW-DIST.Runtime.SD-FAL HP-UX Software Distributor functional area launcher SW-DIST.Runtime.SD-HELP HP-UX Software Distributor on-line help SW-DIST.Runtime.SD-UPDATE Software Distributor OS update script Sawfish Hewlett-Packard Company Sawfish.SAWFISH-MAN Documentation for the Sawfish product. Sawfish.SAWFISH-NOTES Release notes for Sawfish product Sawfish.SAWFISH-RUN Run-time components for the Sawfish package Sawfish.SAWFISH-SHLIBS A highly configurable and extensible X11 window manager. Scrollkeeper Hewlett-Packard Company Scrollkeeper.SCKPR-MAN Documentation for the Scrollkeeper package Scrollkeeper.SCKPR-MSG Non-English translations for the Scrollkeeper package Scrollkeeper.SCKPR-NOTES Release notes for Scrollkeeper product Scrollkeeper.SCKPR-RUN A free electronic cataloging system for documentation. Secure_Shell Hewlett-Packard Company Secure_Shell.SECURE_SHELL Secure Shell SecurityMon Hewlett-Packard Company SecurityMon.Manuals Manuals SecurityMon.Manuals.AUDT-ENG-A-MAN AUDT-ENG-A-MAN SecurityMon.Manuals.SEC-ENG-A-MAN SEC-ENG-A-MAN SecurityMon.ManualsByLang ManualsByLang SecurityMon.ManualsByLang.AUDT-JPN-E-MAN AUDT-JPN-E-MAN SecurityMon.ManualsByLang.AUDT-JPN-S-MAN AUDT-JPN-S-MAN SecurityMon.ManualsByLang.SEC-JPN-E-MAN SEC-JPN-E-MAN SecurityMon.ManualsByLang.SEC-JPN-S-MAN SEC-JPN-S-MAN SecurityMon.Runtime Runtime SecurityMon.Runtime.SECURITY SECURITY SourceControl Hewlett-Packard Company SourceControl.Manuals Manuals SourceControl.Manuals.SRC-ENG-A-MAN SRC-ENG-A-MAN SourceControl.ManualsByLang ManualsByLang SourceControl.ManualsByLang.SRC-JPN-E-MAN SRC-JPN-E-MAN SourceControl.ManualsByLang.SRC-JPN-S-MAN SRC-JPN-S-MAN SourceControl.Runtime Runtime SourceControl.Runtime.SRC-CNTL SRC-CNTL Spelling Hewlett-Packard Company Spelling.Manuals Manuals Spelling.Manuals.SPEL-ENG-A-MAN SPEL-ENG-A-MAN Spelling.ManualsByLang ManualsByLang Spelling.ManualsByLang.SPEL-JPN-E-MAN SPEL-JPN-E-MAN Spelling.ManualsByLang.SPEL-JPN-S-MAN SPEL-JPN-S-MAN Spelling.Runtime Runtime Spelling.Runtime.SPELL SPELL Streams Hewlett-Packard Company Streams.Manuals Manuals Streams.Manuals.STRE-ENG-A-MAN STRE-ENG-A-MAN Streams.Manuals.XTI-ENG-A-MAN XTI-ENG-A-MAN Streams.ManualsByLang ManualsByLang Streams.ManualsByLang.STRE-JPN-E-MAN STRE-JPN-E-MAN Streams.ManualsByLang.STRE-JPN-S-MAN STRE-JPN-S-MAN Streams.ManualsByLang.XTI-JPN-E-MAN XTI-JPN-E-MAN Streams.ManualsByLang.XTI-JPN-S-MAN XTI-JPN-S-MAN Streams.Runtime Runtime Streams.Runtime.STREAMS-32ALIB STREAMS-32ALIB Streams.Runtime.STREAMS-64ALIB STREAMS-64ALIB Streams.Runtime.STREAMS-64SLIB STREAMS-64SLIB Streams.Runtime.STREAMS-KRN HP-UX Kernel support for network streams Streams.Runtime.STREAMS-MIN STREAMS-MIN Streams.Runtime.STREAMS-RUN STREAMS-RUN Streams.STREAMS2-KRN HP-UX Kernel Network Streams library and master file Streams-TIO Hewlett-Packard Company Streams-TIO.Manuals Manuals Streams-TIO.Manuals.STIO-ENG-A-MAN STIO-ENG-A-MAN Streams-TIO.ManualsByLang ManualsByLang Streams-TIO.ManualsByLang.STIO-JPN-E-MAN STIO-JPN-E-MAN Streams-TIO.ManualsByLang.STIO-JPN-S-MAN STIO-JPN-S-MAN Streams-TIO.MinimumRuntime MinimumRuntime Streams-TIO.MinimumRuntime.STRTIO-KRN HP-UX Kernel support for Streams TermIO drivers Streams-TIO.MinimumRuntime.STRTIO-RUN STRTIO-RUN Streams-TIO.Runtime Runtime Streams-TIO.Runtime.STRTIO-KRN HP-UX Kernel support for Streams TermIO drivers Streams-TIO.Runtime.STRTIO-RUN STRTIO-RUN Streams-TIO.STRTIO2-KRN HP-UX Kernel Streams TermIO driver library and master file Sup-Tool-Mgr Hewlett-Packard Company Sup-Tool-Mgr.Manuals Support Tools Manager Manual Pages Sup-Tool-Mgr.Manuals.RELEASE-NOTES HPUX Support Tools Manager Release Notes Sup-Tool-Mgr.Manuals.STM-MAN HPUX Support Tools Manager Manual Pages Sup-Tool-Mgr.Runtime Support Tools Manager Runtime Subproduct Sup-Tool-Mgr.Runtime.STM-CATALOGS HPUX Support Tools Manager Catalogs Sup-Tool-Mgr.Runtime.STM-SHLIBS HPUX Support Tools Manager Share Libraries Sup-Tool-Mgr.Runtime.STM-UI-RUN HPUX Support Tools Manager User Interface Sup-Tool-Mgr.Runtime.STM-UUT-RUN HPUX Support Tools Manager Unit Under Test Runtime SystemAdmin Hewlett-Packard Company SystemAdmin.FIRST-BOOT FIRST-BOOT SystemAdmin.Help On-line Help SystemAdmin.Help.OBAM-HELP On-line Help for System Administration User Interface Tools SystemAdmin.Help.SAM-HELP On-line Help for System Adminstration Manager SystemAdmin.Manuals Manuals SystemAdmin.Manuals.SAM-ENG-A-MAN SAM-ENG-A-MAN SystemAdmin.ManualsByLang ManualsByLang SystemAdmin.ManualsByLang.SAM-JPN-E-MAN SAM-JPN-E-MAN SystemAdmin.ManualsByLang.SAM-JPN-S-MAN SAM-JPN-S-MAN SystemAdmin.MinimumRuntime Minimum Runtime Configuration SystemAdmin.MinimumRuntime.OBAM-RUN System Administration User Interface Tools SystemAdmin.MinimumRuntime.SAM System Administration Manager SystemAdmin.Runtime Runtime Configuration SystemAdmin.Runtime.OBAM-HELP On-line Help for System Administration User Interface Tools SystemAdmin.Runtime.OBAM-RUN System Administration User Interface Tools SystemAdmin.Runtime.SAM System Administration Manager SystemAdmin.Runtime.SAM-HELP On-line Help for System Adminstration Manager SystemComm Hewlett-Packard Company SystemComm.Manuals Manuals SystemComm.Manuals.SYSC-ENG-A-MAN SYSC-ENG-A-MAN SystemComm.ManualsByLang ManualsByLang SystemComm.ManualsByLang.SYSC-JPN-E-MAN SYSC-JPN-E-MAN SystemComm.ManualsByLang.SYSC-JPN-S-MAN SYSC-JPN-S-MAN SystemComm.Runtime Runtime SystemComm.Runtime.SYSCOM System Communications - ct,cu,vt & kermit TOUR_PRODUCT Hewlett-Packard Company TOUR_PRODUCT.T-C-INC Transport Optional Upgrade Release fileset: T-C-INC TOUR_PRODUCT.T-CORE-KRN Transport Optional Upgrade Release fileset: T-CORE-KRN TOUR_PRODUCT.T-CORE2-KRN Transport Optional Upgrade Release fileset: T-CORE2-KRN TOUR_PRODUCT.T-NET-KRN Transport Optional Upgrade Release fileset: T-NET-KRN TOUR_PRODUCT.T-NET-PRG Transport Optional Upgrade Release fileset: T-NET-PRG TOUR_PRODUCT.T-NET-RUN Transport Optional Upgrade Release fileset: T-NET-RUN TOUR_PRODUCT.T-NET-RUN-64 Transport Optional Upgrade Release fileset: T-NET-RUN-64 TOUR_PRODUCT.T-NET2-KRN Transport Optional Upgrade Release fileset: T-NET2-KRN TOUR_PRODUCT.T-NMS-KRN Transport Optional Upgrade Release fileset: T-NMS-KRN TOUR_PRODUCT.T-NMS2-KRN Transport Optional Upgrade Release fileset: T-NMS2-KRN TOUR_PRODUCT.T-NW-ENG-A-MAN Transport Optional Upgrade Release fileset: T-NW-ENG-A-MAN TOUR_PRODUCT.T-PPP-RUN Transport Optional Upgrade Release fileset: T-PPP-RUN TOUR_PRODUCT.T-SYS-ADMIN Transport Optional Upgrade Release fileset: T-SYS-ADMIN TechPrintServ Hewlett-Packard Company TechPrintServ.HelpByLang TechPrintServ localized help TechPrintServ.HelpByLang.TPS-C-HELP TPS-C-HELP TechPrintServ.Manuals TechPrintServ man pages TechPrintServ.Manuals.TPS-MAN TPS-MAN TechPrintServ.MinimumRuntime TechPrintServ minimum runtime subproduct TechPrintServ.MinimumRuntime.TPS-MIN TPS-MIN TechPrintServ.MinimumRuntime.TPS-SHLIBS TPS-SHLIBS TechPrintServ.ReleaseNotes TechPrintServ release notes TechPrintServ.ReleaseNotes.TPS-RELNOTES TPS-RELNOTES TechPrintServ.Runtime TechPrintServ full runtime subproduct TechPrintServ.Runtime.TPS-C-SERV TPS-C-SERV TechPrintServ.Runtime.TPS-FONTS TPS-FONTS TechPrintServ.Runtime.TPS-MAN TPS-MAN TechPrintServ.Runtime.TPS-MIN TPS-MIN TechPrintServ.Runtime.TPS-SERV TPS-SERV TechPrintServ.Runtime.TPS-SHLIBS TPS-SHLIBS TerminalMngr Hewlett-Packard Company TerminalMngr.Manuals Manuals TerminalMngr.Manuals.TERM-ENG-A-MAN TERM-ENG-A-MAN TerminalMngr.ManualsByLang ManualsByLang TerminalMngr.ManualsByLang.TERM-JPN-E-MAN TERM-JPN-E-MAN TerminalMngr.ManualsByLang.TERM-JPN-S-MAN TERM-JPN-S-MAN TerminalMngr.MessagesByLang MessagesByLang TerminalMngr.MessagesByLang.TSM-FRE-I-MSG TSM-FRE-I-MSG TerminalMngr.MessagesByLang.TSM-GER-I-MSG TSM-GER-I-MSG TerminalMngr.MinimumRuntime MinimumRuntime TerminalMngr.MinimumRuntime.TERM-MNGR-MIN TERM-MNGR-MIN TerminalMngr.Runtime Runtime TerminalMngr.Runtime.TERM-MNGR-MIN TERM-MNGR-MIN TerminalMngr.Runtime.TERM-MNGR-NHP TERM-MNGR-NHP TextEditors Hewlett-Packard Company TextEditors.Manuals Manuals TextEditors.Manuals.EDIT-ENG-A-MAN EDIT-ENG-A-MAN TextEditors.ManualsByLang ManualsByLang TextEditors.ManualsByLang.EDIT-JPN-E-MAN EDIT-JPN-E-MAN TextEditors.ManualsByLang.EDIT-JPN-S-MAN EDIT-JPN-S-MAN TextEditors.Runtime Runtime TextEditors.Runtime.EDITORS EDITORS TextFormatters Hewlett-Packard Company TextFormatters.Manuals Manuals TextFormatters.Manuals.TEXT-ENG-A-MAN TEXT-ENG-A-MAN TextFormatters.ManualsByLang ManualsByLang TextFormatters.ManualsByLang.TEXT-JPN-E-MAN TEXT-JPN-E-MAN TextFormatters.ManualsByLang.TEXT-JPN-S-MAN TEXT-JPN-S-MAN TextFormatters.Runtime Runtime TextFormatters.Runtime.TEXT-FMT TEXT-FMT UUCP Hewlett-Packard Company UUCP.Manuals Manuals UUCP.Manuals.UUCP-ENG-A-MAN UUCP-ENG-A-MAN UUCP.ManualsByLang ManualsByLang UUCP.ManualsByLang.UUCP-JPN-E-MAN UUCP-JPN-E-MAN UUCP.ManualsByLang.UUCP-JPN-S-MAN UUCP-JPN-S-MAN UUCP.Runtime Runtime UUCP.Runtime.UUCP Unix to Unix CoPy Update-UX Hewlett-Packard Company Update-UX.Manuals Manuals Update-UX.Manuals.UUX-ENG-A-MAN UUX-ENG-A-MAN Update-UX.ManualsByLang ManualsByLang Update-UX.ManualsByLang.UUX-JPN-E-MAN UUX-JPN-E-MAN Update-UX.ManualsByLang.UUX-JPN-S-MAN UUX-JPN-S-MAN Update-UX.MinimumRuntime Minimum Runtime Configuration Update-UX.MinimumRuntime.UUX Software Distributor OS Update utility Update-UX.Runtime Runtime Configuration Update-UX.Runtime.UUX Software Distributor OS Update utility Upgrade Hewlett-Packard Company Upgrade.Manuals Manuals Upgrade.Manuals.UPG-JPN-E-MAN UPG-JPN-E-MAN Upgrade.Manuals.UPG-JPN-S-MAN UPG-JPN-S-MAN Upgrade.Manuals.UPG-MAN UPG-MAN Upgrade.MinimumRuntime MinimumRuntime Upgrade.MinimumRuntime.UPG-TLINK UPG-TLINK Urwfonts Hewlett-Packard Company Urwfonts.URWFONTS-NOTES Release notes for Urwfonts product Urwfonts.URWFONTS-RUN The URW-Fonts package UserLicense Hewlett-Packard Company UserLicense.UNL-USER HP-UX Unlimited User License VRTSfspro Hewlett-Packard Company VRTSfspro.Commands VERITAS File System Management Services Provider VRTSfspro.Commands.FSPRO-PRG VERITAS File System Management Services Provider VRTSob Hewlett-Packard Company VRTSob.VEAS-FILESET VERITAS Enterprise Administrator Service Fileset VRTSobgui Hewlett-Packard Company VRTSobgui.VEA-FILESET VERITAS Enterprise Administrator Fileset VRTSvlic Hewlett-Packard Company VRTSvlic.VLIC-RUN VERITAS License Utilities Fileset VRTSvmdoc Hewlett-Packard Company VRTSvmdoc.Documents VERITAS Volume Manager Documentation VRTSvmdoc.Documents.VXVM-DOC VERITAS Volume Manager Documentation VRTSvmpro Hewlett-Packard Company VRTSvmpro.Commands VERITAS Volume Manager Management Services Provider VRTSvmpro.Commands.VMPRO-PRG VERITAS Volume Manager Management Services Provider VRTSvxvm Hewlett-Packard Company VRTSvxvm.Manuals Base VERITAS Volume Manager 3.5 for HP-UX Documentation VRTSvxvm.Manuals.VXVM-ENG-A-MAN Base VERITAS Volume Manager 3.5 Man Pages for HP-UX VRTSvxvm.Runtime Base VERITAS Volume Manager 3.5 for HP-UX Binaries VRTSvxvm.Runtime.VXVM-HELP Base VERITAS Volume Manager 3.5 Help Files for HP-UX VRTSvxvm.Runtime.VXVM-KRN Base VERITAS Volume Manager 3.5 Kernel and Library Files for HP-UX VRTSvxvm.Runtime.VXVM-RUN Base VERITAS Volume Manager 3.5 Commands and Scripts for HP-UX VRTSvxvm.VxMS Base VERITAS Volume Manager 3.5 for HP-UX Veritas Federated Mapping System plugins VRTSvxvm.VxMS.VXMS Base VERITAS Volume Manager 3.5 for HP-UX VxMS VM and DMP plugins VideoOut Hewlett-Packard Company VideoOut.VIDEOOUT VideoOut VideoOut.VIDEOOUT-SHLIB Shared libraries for VideoOut WBEMServices Hewlett-Packard Company WBEMServices.WBEM-CORE WBEM Services CORE Fileset for hp 9000 servers WBEMServices.WBEM-CORE-COM WBEM Services COM Fileset WBEMServices.WBEM-MAN WBEM Services MAN Fileset WBEMServices.WBEM-MX WBEM Services MX Fileset X11 Hewlett-Packard Company X11.Manuals X11 man pages X11.Manuals.X11-RUN-MAN Online manual pages for X11 clients X11.MessagesByLang X11 Localized Messages X11.MessagesByLang.X11-FRE-I-MSG French ISO message catalogs for X11 X11.MessagesByLang.X11-GER-I-MSG German ISO message catalogs for X11 X11.MessagesByLang.X11-ITA-I-MSG Italian ISO message catalogs for X11 X11.MessagesByLang.X11-JPN-E-MSG Japanese EUC message catalogs for X11 X11.MessagesByLang.X11-JPN-S-MSG Japanese SJIS message catalogs for X11 X11.MessagesByLang.X11-KOR-E-MSG Korean EUC message catalogs for X11 X11.MessagesByLang.X11-SCH-H-MSG S-Chinese HP15 message catalogs for X11 X11.MessagesByLang.X11-SPA-I-MSG Spanish ISO message catalogs for X11 X11.MessagesByLang.X11-SWE-I-MSG Swedish ISO message catalogs for X11 X11.MessagesByLang.X11-TCH-B-MSG T-Chinese Big5 message catalogs for X11 X11.MessagesByLang.X11-TCH-E-MSG T-Chinese EUC message catalogs for X11 X11.MinimumRuntime X11 minimum runtime subproduct X11.MinimumRuntime.MKFONTDIR Utility for making fonts X11.MinimumRuntime.MOTIF-SHLIB Motif shared libraries X11.MinimumRuntime.X11-FONT-MIN Fonts for minimal runtime system X11.MinimumRuntime.X11-RUN X11 clients for minimal runtime system X11.MinimumRuntime.X11-RUN-CL X11 clients for client-side environment X11.MinimumRuntime.X11R5-SHLIBS X11R5 shared libraries X11.MinimumRuntime.X11R6-SHLIBS X11R6 shared libraries X11.Runtime X11 full runtime subproduct X11.Runtime.MKFONTDIR Utility for making fonts X11.Runtime.MOTIF-SHLIB Motif shared libraries X11.Runtime.X11-FONT-AUX Fonts for non-minimal runtime system X11.Runtime.X11-FONT-MIN Fonts for minimal runtime system X11.Runtime.X11-FONTSRV X11 Font Server X11.Runtime.X11-RUN X11 clients for minimal runtime system X11.Runtime.X11-RUN-CL X11 clients for client-side environment X11.Runtime.X11-RUN-CTRB Contributed X11 clients for runtime system X11.Runtime.X11R4-SHLIBS X11R4 and Motif 1.1 shared libraries X11.Runtime.X11R5-SHLIBS X11R5 shared libraries X11.Runtime.X11R6-SHLIBS X11R6 shared libraries X11.X11-RUN-CL-MAN Online manual pages for X11 clients X11.X11-RUN-CT-MAN Online manual pages for X11 contrib clients X11MotifDevKit Hewlett-Packard Company X11MotifDevKit.IMAKE Imake Development Environment X11MotifDevKit.MOTIF21-PGMAN Motif 2.1 Programming Reference X11MotifDevKit.MOTIF21-PRG Motif 2.1 Development Environment X11MotifDevKit.X11R6-PRG X11 R6 Programming Environment X11MotifDevKit.X11R6-PRG-CTRB X11 R6 Contributed Programming Environment X11MotifDevKit.X11R6-PRG-MAN X11 R6 Programming Reference Xaw3d 3D widget set based on R6 Athena Widgets. The 3D Athena widget set may be used\nas a general replacement for the Athena Widget set. In general, it is possible\nto relink any Athena Widget based application with the 3D Athena Widget set to\nobtain a three dimensional appearance. NB This needs the X11R6 Widget Set. Xaw3d.Development Xaw3d.Development.Xaw3d-INC Xaw3d.Runtime Xaw3d.Runtime.Xaw3d-RUN Xchat Hewlett-Packard Company Xchat.XCHAT-MSG Non-English translations for the GTK+ package Xchat.XCHAT-NOTES Release notes for Xchat product Xchat.XCHAT-RUN A GNOME Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client Xdmcp Hewlett-Packard Company Xdmcp.XDMCP-NOTES Release notes for Xdmcp product Ximian-faq Hewlett-Packard Company Ximian-faq.XIMFAQ-NOTES Release notes for Ximian-faq product Ximian-faq.XIMFAQ-RUN Ximian GNOME Frequently Asked Questions Ximian-menus Hewlett-Packard Company Ximian-menus.XIMMENU-MSG Non-English translations for the Ximian-menus package Ximian-menus.XIMMENU-NOTES Release notes for Ximian-menus product Ximian-menus.XIMMENU-RUN Run-time files for the Ximian-menus package Xml-i18n-tools Hewlett-Packard Company Xml-i18n-tools.XMLI18N-NOTES Release notes for Xml-i18n-tools product Xml-i18n-tools.XMLI18N-RUN XML Internationalization Tools Xmms Hewlett-Packard Company Xmms.XMMS-MAN Documentation for the XMMS package. Xmms.XMMS-MSG Non-English language strings for the XMMS package. Xmms.XMMS-NOTES Release notes for Xmms product Xmms.XMMS-RUN Versatile X audio player that looks like Winamp Xscreensaver Hewlett-Packard Company Xscreensaver.XSCRNSVR-MAN Xscreensaver - Documentation Xscreensaver.XSCRNSVR-NOTES Release notes for Xscreensaver product Xscreensaver.XSCRNSVR-RUN Automatic screensaver for X Xserver Hewlett-Packard Company Xserver.Manuals Manuals Xserver.Manuals.X11-SERV-MAN X Server Man Pages Xserver.Manuals.XEXT-DBE-MAN X Server Dynamic Dbl Buff Ext Manual Xserver.Manuals.XEXT-DPMS-MAN X Server Display Power Management Signalling Ext Manual Xserver.Manuals.XEXT-HPCR-MAN X Server Color Recovery Ext Manual Xserver.Runtime Runtime Xserver.Runtime.AGRM Graphics Resource Manager Xserver.Runtime.DDX-ADVANCED X Server Dynamic Advanced Drivers Xserver.Runtime.DDX-ENTRY X Server Dynamic Entry Level Drivers Xserver.Runtime.DDX-LOAD X Server Dynamic Driver Loader Xserver.Runtime.DDX-SAM X Server/SAM X0Screens Help Files Xserver.Runtime.DDX-SLS X Server Dynamic SLS Drivers Xserver.Runtime.DDX-UTILS X Server Dynamic Driver Utilities Xserver.Runtime.X11-SERV X Server Xserver.Runtime.XEXT-DBE X Server Dynamic Dbl Buff Ext Drivers Xserver.Runtime.XEXT-DPMS X Server Display Power Management Signalling Ext Drivers Xserver.Runtime.XEXT-HPCR X Server Color Recovery Ext Drivers Xserver.Runtime.XEXT-MBX X Server Dynamic Multibuffering Drivers Xserver.Runtime.XEXT-RECORD X Server Record Ext Drivers Zlib Hewlett-Packard Company Zlib.ZLIB-MAN Documentation for the Zlib package Zlib.ZLIB-NOTES Release notes for Zlib product Zlib.ZLIB-SHLIBS A compression and decompression library. atk ATK is the Accessibility Toolkit. It provides a set of generic interfaces\nallowing accessibility technologies such as screen readers to interact with a\ngraphical user interface. atk.Development atk.Development.atk-INC atk.Runtime atk.Runtime.atk-RUN audiofile An SGI Audio Filelibrary. Since the latter is specified ambiguously in\nplaces,some liberties in interpreting certain such ambiguities. At the present,\nnot all features of the SGI Audio File library are implemented.This library\nallows the processing of audio data to and from audio files of many common\nformats (currently AIFF, AIFC, WAVE, and NeXT/Sun). audiofile.Runtime audiofile.Runtime.audiofile-RUN autoconf M4 macro configuration and scripting package. Autoconf shell scripts\nautomatically configure software source code packages. These scripts can adapt\npackages to many kinds of UNIX-like systems without manual user intervention.\nThe main configuration script is created from a template file that lists the\noperating system features that the package can use. It emits a Makefile. autoconf.Manuals autoconf.Manuals.autoconf-MAN autoconf.Runtime autoconf.Runtime.autoconf-RUN bash The GNU Project's Bourne Again SHell. GNU Bash is a complete implementation of\nthe POSIX.2 shell spec, but also with interactive command line editing,\ncsh-like features such as history substitution and brace expansion and a slew\nof other features. The gettext and libiconv packages should be installed prior\nto installing bash itself. bash.Runtime bash.Runtime.bash-RUN binutils GNU assembler and object file manipulation utilities. binutils.binutils bison A GNU parser generator upwardly compatible with yacc. Takes a grammar\ndescription file and generates a compilable C source file from it. Command-line\noptions and grammar syntax are fully compatible with HP-UX yacc. Requires an\nANSI C compiler, GNU make and GNU m4 if it is being built from source code.\nThis version of bison have been patched to eliminate the shift/reduce conflicts\nin g++ code. bison.Runtime bison.Runtime.bison-RUN bzip2 A new block-sorting file compressor. Bzip uses the Burrows-Wheeler-Fenwick\nblock-sorting text compression algorithm. Compression is generally better than\nthat achieved by more conventional LZ77/LZ78-based compressors, and competitive\nwith all but the best of the PPM family of statistical compressors. bzip2.Runtime bzip2.Runtime.bzip2-RUN db Yet another database engine. This one has been ported to a large number of\nplatforms and includes B-tree and hashing routines and functions for fixed or\nvariable length records. There are useful examples and documentation provided\nwithin the package. db.Runtime db.Runtime.db-RUN ethereal A network traffic analyzer for Unix. Ethereal is based on GTK+, a graphical\nuser interface library, and libpcap, a packet capture and filtering library. It\nincludes the wiretap library which may replace libpcap eventually. ethereal.Manuals ethereal.Manuals.ethereal-MAN ethereal.MinimumRuntime ethereal.MinimumRuntime.ethereal-SHLIBS ethereal.Runtime ethereal.Runtime.ethereal-RUN expat A C library for parsing XML. Expat is a stream oriented XML parser. This means\nthat you register handlers with the parser prior to starting the parse. These\nhandlers are called when the parser discovers the associated structures in the\ndocument being parsed. A start tag is an example of the kind of structures for\nwhich you may register handlers. expat.Runtime expat.Runtime.expat-RUN flex A fast lexical analyser generator - the GNU version of lex. This is a tool for\ngenerating scanners, which are programs which recognise lexical patterns in\ntext. The final output of flex is a C program which is linked with a runtime\nlibrary to produce an executable. Flex has been built and tested using HP's\nbundled (K&R) C compiler, HP's ANSI C compiler and gcc. flex.Runtime flex.Runtime.flex-RUN fontconfig Font configuration and customization library. Fontconfig is designed to locate\nfonts within the system and select them according to requirements specified by\napplications. fontconfig.Manuals fontconfig.Manuals.fontconfig-MAN fontconfig.Runtime fontconfig.Runtime.fontconfig-RUN freetype Free font engine for TrueType fonts. This is a library to support the rendering\nof TrueType fonts and has a quality that fully matches that of Windows or\nMacintosh equivalents. freetype.Development freetype.Development.freetype-INC freetype.Runtime freetype.Runtime.freetype-RUN gawk Pattern scanning and processing language (GNU awk). Supports the definition of\nawk in the POSIX standard plus some specific GNU extensions. Gawk and awk are a\nuseful way to provide floating-point arithmetic in shell scripts, as well as\nmany other facilities. Requires libiconv to be installed prior to installing\ngawk. gawk.Runtime gawk.Runtime.gawk-RUN gcc GNU C and C++ compilers and runtime libraries. gcc.gcc gcc.gcc-SHLIBS gdb This is GDB, the GNU source level debugger. In this release, the GDB debugger\nsources, the generic GNU include files, the BFD ("binary file description")\nlibrary, the readline library, and other libraries all have directories of\ntheir own underneath the gdb-4.16 directory. gdb.Runtime gdb.Runtime.gdb-RUN gettext This project is part of the GNU Translation Project. GNU gettext offers to\nprogrammers, translators and even users, a well integrated set of tools to\nprovide support for producing packages with multilingual messages. It is\ndesigned so it minimises the impact of internationalization on program sources\nand encourage language support. gettext.Manuals gettext.Manuals.gettext-MAN gettext.MinimumRuntime gettext.MinimumRuntime.gettext-SHLIBS gettext.Runtime gettext.Runtime.gettext-RUN glib Useful library routines for C programming. This library contains code to handle\nlists, trees, strings and hash tables. It was originally shipped with the gtk+\npackage but has now split into a separate package of its own. Note that this is\na stable release that can be used with the equivalent stable release of gtk+. glib.Runtime glib.Runtime.glib-RUN glib2 Low-level core library for GTK+ and GNOME. It provides data structure handling\nfor C, portability wrappers, and interfaces for such runtime functionality as\nan event loop, threads, dynamic loading, and an object system. glib2.Development glib2.Development.glib2-INC glib2.MinimumRuntime glib2.MinimumRuntime.glib2-SHLIBS glib2.Runtime glib2.Runtime.glib2-RUN gtk Gimp ToolKit for creating graphical user interfaces. It is similar to the look\nand feel of Motif, but designed to be small and efficient. GTK allows the\nprogrammer to use a variety of standard user interface widgets such as push,\nradio and check buttons, menus, lists and frames. It also provides several\ncontainer widgets which can be used to control the layout of the user interface\nelements. Note that this is a stable release and requires the equivalent stable\nrelease of glib plus the gettext and libiconv packages to be installed. gtk.Development gtk.Development.gtk-INC gtk.Runtime gtk.Runtime.gtk-RUN gtk2 Gimp ToolKit for creating graphical user interfaces. It is similar to the look\nand feel of Motif, but designed to be small and efficient. GTK allows the\nprogrammer to use a variety of standard user interface widgets such as push,\nradio and check buttons, menus, lists and frames. It also provides several\ncontainer widgets which can be used to control the layout of the user interface\nelements. Note that this is a stable release and requires the equivalent stable\nrelease of glib plus the gettext and libiconv packages to be installed. gtk2.Development gtk2.Development.gtk2-INC gtk2.MinimumRuntime gtk2.MinimumRuntime.gtk2-SHLIBS gtk2.Runtime gtk2.Runtime.gtk2-RUN guile A portable, embeddable Scheme implementation written in C. Guile provides a\nmachine independent execution platform that can be linked in as a library when\nbuilding extensible programs. guile.MinimumRuntime guile.MinimumRuntime.guile-SHLIBS hpuxwsAPACHE Hewlett-Packard Company hpuxwsAPACHE.APACHE 2.0.46 base hpuxwsAPACHE.APACHE2 2.0.46 base (PA Binaries) hpuxwsAPACHE.AUTH_LDAP 1.5.4 base hpuxwsAPACHE.AUTH_LDAP2 1.5.4 base (PA Binaries) hpuxwsAPACHE.MOD_PERL 1.99.09 base hpuxwsAPACHE.MOD_PERL2 1.99.09 base (PA Binaries) hpuxwsAPACHE.PHP 4.2.3 base hpuxwsAPACHE.PHP2 4.2.3 base (PA Binaries) hpuxwsTOMCAT Hewlett-Packard Company hpuxwsTOMCAT.TOMCAT 4.1.12 base hpuxwsTOMCAT.TOMCAT2 4.1.12 base (PA Binaries) hpuxwsWEBMIN Hewlett-Packard Company hpuxwsWEBMIN.HPDOCS HP-UX Web Server Suite Documentation hpuxwsWEBMIN.WEBMIN 1.0.7 base hpuxwsXML Hewlett-Packard Company hpuxwsXML.BATIK 1.5 base hpuxwsXML.COCOON 2.0.3 base hpuxwsXML.FOP 0.20.4 base hpuxwsXML.XALANJ 2.4.1 base hpuxwsXML.XERCESJ 2.2.1 base hpuxwsXML.XMLTOOLS HP-UX XML Web Server Tools iCOD Hewlett-Packard Company iCOD.ICOD-COMMON Instant Capacity On Demand iCOD.ICOD-ENG-A-MAN iCOD On-line Help (English) iCOD.ICOD-FCA-I-MSG French Canadian ISO message catalogs for iCOD iCOD.ICOD-FCA-U-MSG French Canadian utf8 message catalogs for iCOD iCOD.ICOD-FRE-I-MSG French ISO message catalogs for iCOD iCOD.ICOD-FRE-U-MSG French utf8 message catalogs for iCOD iCOD.ICOD-GER-I-MSG German ISO message catalogs for iCOD iCOD.ICOD-GER-U-MSG German utf8 message catalogs for iCOD iCOD.ICOD-HKG-U-MSG Hong Kong utf8 message catalogs for iCOD iCOD.ICOD-ITA-I-MSG Italian ISO message catalogs for iCOD iCOD.ICOD-ITA-U-MSG Italian utf8 message catalogs for iCOD iCOD.ICOD-JPN-E-MAN iCOD On-line Help (Japanese EUC) iCOD.ICOD-JPN-E-MSG Japanese EUC message catalogs for iCOD iCOD.ICOD-JPN-S-MAN iCOD On-line Help (Japanese SJIS) iCOD.ICOD-JPN-S-MSG Japanese SJIS message catalogs for iCOD iCOD.ICOD-JPN-U-MSG Japanese utf8 message catalogs for iCOD iCOD.ICOD-KOR-E-MSG Korean EUC message catalogs for iCOD iCOD.ICOD-KOR-U-MSG Korean utf8 message catalogs for iCOD iCOD.ICOD-RUN Instant Capacity On Demand iCOD.ICOD-SCH-H-MSG S-Chinese HP15 message catalogs for iCOD iCOD.ICOD-SCH-U-MSG S-Chinese utf8 message catalogs for iCOD iCOD.ICOD-SPA-I-MSG Spanish ISO message catalogs for iCOD iCOD.ICOD-SPA-U-MSG Spanish utf8 message catalogs for iCOD iCOD.ICOD-TCH-B-MSG T-Chinese Big5 message catalogs for iCOD iCOD.ICOD-TCH-E-MSG T-Chinese EUC message catalogs for iCOD iCOD.ICOD-TCH-U-MSG T-Chinese utf8 message catalogs for iCOD jpeg Image de/compression package using the JPEG standard. This results in large\nstorage savings at the expense of some loss of picture quality. There are 2\nprograms - cjpeg to compress and djpeg to decompress. This is the latest\nproduction release and provides archive and shared libraries for use by other\npackages. jpeg.Runtime jpeg.Runtime.jpeg-RUN less Dual direction pager program, similar to more. Has several extra features,\nincluding a combination of both more and vi commands, calculation of the line\nnumber range and a configurable prompt. less.Runtime less.Runtime.less-RUN libIDL Parse tree generator for CORBA IDL files. This is a library which creates parse\ntrees of CORBA 2.2-compliant Interface Definition Language files. It requires\nthe glib library to be installed prior to use. libIDL.Runtime libIDL.Runtime.libIDL-RUN libiconv A character set conversion library. This library provides an iconv\nimplementation for use on systems which don't have one or whose implementation\ncannot convert from/to Unicode. You should install the gettext package at the\nsame time as libiconv due to a circular dependency that is present between the\ntwo. libiconv.Runtime libiconv.Runtime.libiconv-RUN libpcap A system-independent interface for packet capture. It provides a portable\nframework for low-level network monitoring in the form of a include files and a\nlibrary that be linked against, as is done with the tcpdump package. libpcap.Runtime libpcap.Runtime.libpcap-RUN libpng Portable Network Graphics (PNG) library. This is a set of function calls to\nsupport the reading and writing of PNG format files in a portable manner. It\nrequires the zlib library to be installed prior to compilation. libpng.Runtime libpng.Runtime.libpng-RUN libtool A generic library support script. Libtool hides the complexity of using shared\nlibraries behind a consistent, portable interface. It supports building static\nlibraries on all platforms. It can build and install software. Offers some\nsupport for HPUX shared libraries. libtool.Runtime libtool.Runtime.libtool-RUN libxml2 This library allows to manipulate XML files. It includes support to read,\nmodify and write XML and HTML files. There is DTDs support this includes\nparsing and validation even with complex DtDs, either at parse time or later\nonce the document has been modified. The output can be a simple SAX stream or\nand in-memory DOM like representations. libxml2.Development libxml2.Development.libxml2-INC libxml2.Runtime libxml2.Runtime.libxml2-RUN lynx Text-based World Wide Web browser. Lynx understands HTML 3.2 and the full\nHTTP/1.0 protocol. ASCII documents are displayed with links in bold, and the\nuser selects which one to follow by highlighting the link with the arrow keys.\nImages are recognised and replaced by the word [IMAGE]. lynx.Runtime lynx.Runtime.lynx-RUN m4 The traditional Unix macro processor. As well a doing macro expansion, m4 has\nbuilt-in functions for including files, running commands, doing arithmetic etc.\nAutoconf uses m4 for generating configuration scripts and bison also requires\nGNU m4. Macros can easily be defined and can take any number of arguments. m4.Runtime m4.Runtime.m4-RUN make GNU make utility to maintain groups of programs. Although HP-UX already has a\n"make" command, the GNU version understands a large set of additional rules and\nprovides improved error messages. GNU make is now used to build all other\npackages on this site and hence should be the first package you build if you\nintend to compile other packages from their source code. It has been built and\ntested with HP's bundled cc, HP's ANSI C and gcc 3.X. make.Runtime make.Runtime.make-RUN mpg123 This isn't a new player. It's a near fully rewritten version based on the\nmpegaudio (FHG-version) package. The DCT algorithm in the synthesis filter is a\nrewritten version of the DCT first seen in the maplay package, which was\nwritten by Tobias Bading. It gives MPEG Layer 1,2 and 3 support. Its very fast. mpg123.Runtime mpg123.Runtime.mpg123-RUN nano The editor formerly known as TIP. Nano is ANOther editor, an enhanced free\nPicico clone. It is a small, free and friendly editor which aims to replace\nPico, the default editor included in the non-free Pine package. Rather than\njust copying Picos look and feel, nano also implements some missing features. nano.Runtime nano.Runtime.nano-RUN ncurses Ncurses is a freeware emulation of System V curses. The ncurses (new curses)\nlibrary uses terminfo format, supports pads and colour and multiple highlights\nand forms characters and function-key mapping. It also has all the other\nSYSV-curses enhancements over BSD curses. ncurses.Development ncurses.Development.ncurses-INC ncurses.Manuals ncurses.Manuals.ncurses-MAN ncurses.MinimumRuntime ncurses.MinimumRuntime.ncurses-SHLIBS ncurses.Runtime ncurses.Runtime.ncurses-RUN openssl Cryptography toolkit implementing SSL and TLS. A robust, commercial-grade,\nfull-featured and Open Source toolkit implementing the Secure Sockets Layer\n(SSL v2/v3) and Transport Layer Security (TLS v1) protocols as well as a\nfull-strength general purpose cryptography library. openssl.Development openssl.Development.openssl-INC openssl.Manuals openssl.Manuals.openssl-MAN openssl.Runtime openssl.Runtime.openssl-RUN pango A library for layout and rendering of text. With an emphasis on\ninternationalization. Pango can be used anywhere that text layout is needed;\nhowever, most of the work on Pango-1.0 was done using the GTK+ widget toolkit\nas a test platform. Pango forms the core of text and font handling for\nGTK+-2.0. pango.Development pango.Development.pango-INC pango.MinimumRuntime pango.MinimumRuntime.pango-SHLIBS pango.Runtime pango.Runtime.pango-RUN perl Practical Extraction and Report Language. It is a language that combines some\nof the features of C, sed, awk and shell. It is an interpreted language\noptimised for scanning arbitrary text files, extracting information from those\ntext files, and printing reports based on that information. It's also a good\nlanguage for many system management tasks. The language is intended to be\npractical (easy to use, efficient, complete) rather than beautiful (tiny,\nelegant, minimal). perl.Manuals perl.Manuals.perl-MAN perl.MinimumRuntime perl.MinimumRuntime.perl-SHLIBS perl.Runtime perl.Runtime.perl-RUN pkgconfig Tool for tracking compilation flags needed for libraries. Pkg-config is a\nsystem for managing library compile/link flags that works with automake and\nautoconf. It replaces the ubiquitous *-config scripts you may have seen with a\nsingle tool. pkgconfig.Runtime pkgconfig.Runtime.pkgconfig-RUN popt Command line option parsing library. Whilst it is similiar to getopt, it\ncontains a number of enhancements including being fully reentrant, parsing of\narbitrary argv-style arrays, aliasing of command line arguments and convenience\nfunctions for parsing strings into argv-style arrays. popt.Runtime popt.Runtime.popt-RUN python A sophisticated, new, interpreted OOP language. Python incorporates modules,\nexceptions, dynamic typing, very high level dynamic data types, and classes.\nPython combines remarkable power with very clear syntax. It has interfaces to\nmany system calls and libraries, as well as to various window systems. It is\nalso usable as an extension language for applications that need a programmable\ninterface. Finally, Python is highly portable. python.Development python.Development.python-INC python.MinimumRuntime python.MinimumRuntime.python-SHLIBS python.Runtime python.Runtime.python-RUN readline A command line editing and history recall library. It provides a means of\nediting and recalling commands from within an application program using the\narrow keys, EMACS commands or VI commands. It is supplied with full\ndocumentation on how to call the library, and comes with a demonstration\nprogram which uses the library. readline.Development readline.Development.readline-INC readline.Runtime readline.Runtime.readline-RUN rxvt Colour xterm replacement which uses much less memory. Despite having no Tek4010\nsupport, session logging or extensive toolkit style configurability, it still\nsupports both coloured text and background pixmaps when compiled with the xpm\nlibrary. rxvt.Runtime rxvt.Runtime.rxvt-RUN screen This provides and ANSI vt100 terminal emulator. Screen can multiplex up to 10\npseudo terminals. Each virtual terminal provides DEC VT100 functions and\nseveral additional control functions from the ISO 6492 and 2022 standards. screen.Runtime screen.Runtime.screen-RUN scsiU320 Hewlett-Packard Company scsiU320.SCSIU320-KRN Ultra320 SCSI Driver Kernel Files scsiU320.SCSIU320-MAN Man pages for Ultra320 SCSI User Space Utilities scsiU320.SCSIU320-RUN Ultra320 SCSI User Space Utilities slang A C library for rapid development of applications. The library includes many\nroutines for the rapid development of sophisticated, user friendly,\nmulti-platform applications. It includes the following: low level tty input\nroutines, keymap routines, screen and terminal routines, searching functions\nand more. slang.Runtime slang.Runtime.slang-RUN tcltk Tool Command Language and a Toolkit of widgets. This is a combination package\nof TCL (an embeddable scripting language) and Tk (a Toolkit of widgets). TCL\nsupports many of the features of conventional procedural languages, whilst Tk\nhas useful graphical interface facilities. tcltk.Development tcltk.Development.tcltk-INC tcltk.Manuals tcltk.Manuals.tcltk-MAN tcltk.Runtime tcltk.Runtime.tcltk-RUN tcp_wrappers The TCP/IP network services wrapper package. With this package you can monitor\nand filter incoming requests for the SYSTAT, FINGER, FTP, TELNET, RLOGIN, RSH,\nEXEC, TFTP, TALK, and other network services. It supports both BSD and System V\nstyle sockets. tcp_wrappers.Development tcp_wrappers.Development.tcp_wrappers-INC tcp_wrappers.Runtime tcp_wrappers.Runtime.tcp_wrappers-RUN tcsh C shell with filename completion and command line editing. Understands standard\ncsh scripts and has further extensions such as command correction. Strongly\nrecommended for all users who prefer the C Shell over the Korn Shell. tcsh.Runtime tcsh.Runtime.tcsh-RUN termcap Application programmer interface to the termcap data base. Termcap is a library\nand data base that enables programs to use display terminals in a\nterminal-independent manner. It originated from Berkeley Unix. termcap.Runtime termcap.Runtime.termcap-RUN tiff Graphics library for the manipulation of TIFF image files. Comes with several\nutilities which call the shared library and also has contributed clients,\nincluding xtiff (an X11 TIFF viewer). Requires jpeg and zlib libraries to be\ninstalled prior to compilation. tiff.Manuals tiff.Manuals.tiff-MAN tiff.Runtime tiff.Runtime.tiff-RUN unzip List, test or extract from a ZIP archive file. The ZIP format is most commonly\nused on Windows systems. This version supports encryption, file naming,\ncontents translation and the creation of self-extracting ZIP archives. unzip.Runtime unzip.Runtime.unzip-RUN wget A utility to retrieve files from Web locations. GNU Wget is a freely available\nnetwork utility to retrieve files from the World Wide Web using HTTP and FTP,\nthe two most widely used Internet protocols. It works non-interactively, thus\nenabling work in the background, after having logged off. wget.Runtime wget.Runtime.wget-RUN xpm Package for manipulating X pixmaps. This package provides a shared library of\nfunctions to store and retrieve X pixmaps to and from files. A directory of\nexample XPM3 icons is now included with this package. xpm.Runtime xpm.Runtime.xpm-RUN ycalc An enhanced X Window Calculator. HOT. Ycalc is an X-window calculator, with\nmuch more functions than the standard xcalc and is heavily influenced by TI-59.\nThese include special graphic Hex and Binary widget windows. ycalc.Runtime ycalc.Runtime.ycalc-RUN zip Archiver and compressor popular on MS-DOS systems. Files may be packed into a\nsingle (.zip) file using several different methods of compression. Unpacking is\nperformed by the unzip program and this release comes with encryption support\n(source from outside the US). zip.Runtime zip.Runtime.zip-RUN zlib A general purpose compression library based on gzip. This provides function\ncalls which allow an application to compress or decompress data stored in a\nformat similar to that used by the gzip utility. Its current main application\nis by the PNG (Portable Network Graphics) library. zlib.Runtime zlib.Runtime.zlib-RUN L I C E N S E I N F O R M A T I O N K E R N E L I N F O R M A T I O N Size of the directory name lookup cache is 27284 STREAMS: Maximum message size is 65535 STREAMS: Maximum event size is 50 Maximum number of BSD (/dev/ptyXX) pty's is 2048 Maximum amount of physical memory used is -1 Size of the callout table is 28067 Maximum number of processes per user is 1500 Size of the file table is 37603 Soft limit for maximum number of open files per process is 60 Maximum number of processes for system is 16020 Size of the inode table is 22164 STREAMS: Maximum number of pushes allowed is 16 Maximum number of swap devices is 10 STREAMS: Maximum size of ctl part of message is 1024 Maximum number of filesystems that can have swap is 10 Hard limit for maximum number of open files per process is 1024 S Y S T E M C O N F I G U R A T I O N I N F O R M A T I O N Number of clock ticks per second for clock(3C) is 1000000 Max queued asynchronous I/O requests outstanding is 256 Max length of strings allowed by bc(1) is 1000 Msemaphore lock unique identifier is 2 Max parenthesis nesting level for expr(1) is 32 Max simultaneous groups per user is 20 POSIX.2 version supported is 199209 Supports POSIX.2 C Language Bindings is TRUE Supports message passing is TRUE Maximum iovec structures for readv()/writev() is 16 Supports X/Open LP64, 64-bit offset is TRUE Length of script header line is 128 System memory page size is 4096 Max number of semaphores per process is 256 Max simultaneous asynchronous I/O requests outstanding is 2048 Supports X/Open Shared Memory Feature Group is TRUE Max Threads per process is 1024 Max scale factor allowed by bc(1) is 99 Last POSIX.4 Realtime Signal is 44 Supports range memory locking is TRUE Supports POSIX 1003.2 Terminal Type operations is TRUE Supports X/Open Encryption Feature Group is TRUE Max login name is 64 POSIX 1 version supported is 199009 Max number of message priorities supported is 128 Max open files per process is 60 X/Open portability guide version is 4 Max num of nodes supported by SLVM is 8 Max combined size of argv[] and envp[] is 2048000 Max size of password entry buffer is 2048 Max amount a process can decrease its async I/O priority level is 20 Max bytes in an input line is 2048 Supports X/Open Internationalization Feature Group is TRUE Job control supported is TRUE Max processes allowed to any UID is 1501 Supports process scheduling is TRUE Max ibase and obase allowed by bc(1) is 99 Number of realtime signal values available is 8 Kernel is big-endian is TRUE Max number of queued signals is 32 Supports X/Open LP32 w/64-bit offset is TRUE Max number of timers per process is 32 Min Thread Stack is 4096 Max value a semaphore may have is 32767 Supports process memory locking is TRUE Supports fsync File Synchronization is TRUE Savid ids (seteuid()) supported is TRUE Supports shared memory objects is TRUE Max weights for LC_COLLATE in localedef(1M) is 4 Clock ticks per second is 100 Hardware key bit information is 178 Supports User Portability Utilities Option is TRUE Max bytes in TZ environment variable is 19 Max number of timer expiration overruns is 32 Supports POSIX.2 Software Development Utilities is TRUE Offset on gateway page of mcas_util() is 824 First POSIX.4 Realtime Signal is 37 Version of CPU architecture is 532 Encoded CPU chip type from PDC is 548 Max size of group entry buffer is 2048 Supports X/Open ILP32 w/32-bit offset is TRUE Max password length is 8 Max number of elements in array by bc(1) is 2048 Supports realtime signals is TRUE Max stdio streams per process is 60 Version number of OSF/AES OSC supported is 1 HW is capable of running 32bit and/or 64bit OS is TRUE Max TTY name is 64 Max number of open message queue descriptors per process is 512 Running kernel is 32 or 64bit is 64 Supports semaphores is TRUE Supports POSIX.2 localedef utility is FALSE Max number of register functions for atexit(2) is 32 Type of I/O drivers is 3 Libc version is 1111000002 Max repeated occurrences of RegExp in regcmp(3C) is 255 Max Thread Keys is 256