Oct 11 21:52 gate64: sysvec_vaddr = 0xc0002000 for 2 pages NOTICE: nfs3_link(): File system was registered at index 3. NOTICE: autofs_link(): File system was registered at index 6. NOTICE: cachefs_link(): File system was registered at index 7. 10 sba 10/0 lba 10/0/12/0 btlan 10/0/13/0 audio 10/0/14/0 side 10/0/14/0.0 tgt 10/0/14/0.0.0 sdisk 10/0/14/0.7 tgt 10/0/14/0.7.0 sctl 10/0/14/1 superio 10/0/14/1/1 asio0 10/0/14/1/2 asio0 10/0/14/1/3 SCentIf 10/0/14/1/4 siofdc 10/0/14/1/4.1 sioflop 10/0/14/2 hcd 10/0/14/2.1 hub 10/0/14/2.1.2 hid 10/0/14/2.1.3 hid 10/0/15/0 c720 10/0/15/0.7 tgt 10/0/15/0.7.0 sctl 10/0/15/1 c720 10/0/15/1.5 tgt 10/0/15/1.5.0 sdisk 10/0/15/1.6 tgt 10/0/15/1.6.0 sdisk 10/0/15/1.7 tgt 10/0/15/1.7.0 sctl 10/1 lba 10/4 lba 10/6 lba Variable size pages used to map 1000 graf pages at fffffffffb000000 10/6/2/0 graph3 32 processor 49 memory btlan: Initializing 10/100BASE-TX card at 10/0/12/0.... System Console is on the ITE Logical volume 64, 0x3 configured as ROOT Logical volume 64, 0x2 configured as SWAP Swap device table: (start & size given in 512-byte blocks) entry 0 - major is 64, minor is 0x2; start = 0, size = 2097152 WARNING: No dump devices are configured. Dump is disabled. Starting the STREAMS daemons-phase 1 Create STCP device files $Revision: vmunix: vw: -proj selectors: CUPI80_BL2000_1108 -c 'Vw for CUPI80_BL2000_1108 build' -- cupi80_bl2000_1108 'CUPI80_BL2000_1108' Wed Nov 8 19:24:56 PST 2000 $ Memory Information: physical page size = 4096 bytes, logical page size = 4096 bytes Physical: 2097152 Kbytes, lockable: 1554360 Kbytes, available: 1790864 Kbytes 10/0/14/2.1.3 hid 10/0/14/2.1.3 hid